A very very popular proverb in English is "Ignorance is Bliss". Brilliant! It truly is, actually because, when you are ignorant you are sleeping and when you are sleeping, you have no problem. Till of course if you are unlucky, you start getting bad dreams, you start getting nightmares and then even sleep is not blissful. Because the universe my friends is a loving school, but it is a school all the same and if you have come into this school, the school will make sure that you will graduate. So, if ignorance is not bliss, it definitely is not an excuse either. So once the bug bear of the knowledge, awareness and wisdom starts creeping into your life and starts making its own incredible experience in your space the next part of the story now begins with you showing the will, the courage, the gumption and the determination to apply that wisdom in your day to day life and this is where your transition from being a mortal human, a human who has succumbed to the vagaries of life, a human who is compelled by life's painful circumstances, a human who feels manipulated by the powers that be into an empowered being who is divinity in motion. This my friends is the critical junction, a junction where once the wisdom comes into your space you go deep into yourself, touch base with that infinite power that you have and start walking your talk. Because the action must follow the wisdom.
Now action does not mean taking a machine gun and disseminating everything in your universe which doesn't work for you. But action definitely means acknowledging knowledge truthfully what's not working in your space acknowledging very truthfully all those actions that you are basing on fear and start pro-actively spending time with what it is that you would love to have.
Let's do a simple exercise right now. Take a piece of paper and list out the five things that you are doing in your life purely because you are compelled to do it. Any five things, that could be right from saying good morning to your dad, or going to your job, or could be as mundane as cooking food, anything, any five things in your life which, if you had a choice you would very very happily give up. Five things, which bind you, list it out and then take up each one of those five things, think about those things, and start breathing differently. Just do this much, don't do anything radical, don't do anything path breaking, but start acknowledging your story, act on it. So if you have understood that these are the five things you are doing purely based out of fear, five things you are feeling very very horribly stuck, start doing something with yourself. I am telling you change the environment, change yourself. List out these five things, everyday in the morning spend one minute with it breathing differently. Just breathing differently till those five things no longer touch your heart. You will be surprised that the moment that happens, the moment you hit this beautiful space, where those five things no longer bind you, the wisdom of what those five things are giving you will come up and when that wisdom comes up, on its own those five things will disappear from your life because they are just there to give you that wisdom.
Flip side of the story, list out five things that you would love doing and you would love to do it for the joy it gives you when you are doing it and then, just check how much time in your day you are spending with those five things you love doing, against how much time you are spending in your day on the five things you are compelled to do. Strangely, as you are doing this exercise of just breathing out the toxic pain of the five things you are compelled to do you will realize, naturally, automatically that the universe now starts bending backwards and starts creating all those opportunities in your life in which you will get as much time as you want for doing the five things that you would love to do.
Life my friends is not an obligation, life my friends is not a challenge, life my friends is not a compromise, life my friends is not a settlement. The biggest disservice that you do to yourself, to your mind, to your soul is to be bonded, is to be stuck with things that don't resonate in your inner space. I am not for a moment saying you reject them, but if they don't resonate with your inner space, they are just here to teach you something rather than being stuck, breathe out the toxicity and the moment you breathe out the toxicity, the reasons for them being there become clear. That itself is your wisdom, the moment wisdom emerges, love follows story changes, the director, creator, actor within you is alive and you start naturally manifesting without doing anything a set of circumstances in which you will do exactly what it is that you love. When you start doing that, you start playing an extremely informed, aware and fantastic actor who has just made the job of his director very simple.
Now the choice is do you wish to make your director struggle or do you wish to make him sit back and enjoy life? If your director sits back and enjoys life, you will sit back and act effortlessly. If you make your director struggle, the director is definitely going to make you struggle. So the choice is once again yours, are you going to choose the route of struggle or are you going to choose the route of love, peace and equanimity.
Take your pencil and start right now, don't waste time, five things which compel you, which bind you, which are your bondage, five things which liberate your soul. Do it, right now.