Sunday, November 28, 2010

Unleash your elephantine power by altering your response from one that binds you to one that free you!!! - Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia

I was engaged in this extremely interesting conversation with a group of very close friends, who are the team behind this whole facebook exercise and they had this very interesting observation to share which was to do with their children.

It is so amazing to observe, children nowadays, who speak so very differently about their relationship with the divine. They are so confident that they are projections or extensions of the divine force. They are very sure that they are here to enjoy the best the life has to offer because they are god's children.

It really makes you feel very very fulfilled when you watch that. But it also opens up a different line of thinking which is, if our children can be like this and they are like this not because we have taught them to be like this, but it is just a consciousness they seem to be born with, then what are we looking at?

So if these children in the new age, are born with this awareness that they are friends of god, they are the children of god, or they are extensions and projections of the divine, then what in hell's name happened to us? Where did we lose the plot? Perhaps, it might be interesting to observe that if we go back into the way we have evolved over time. At the start of time, maybe in the golden age of mankind, humans on the earth did have an enormous amount of power. The power to manifest, the power to control the elements of the earth, the power to actually live the reality on earth the way their thoughts made them go through it. The power was all there and it was awesome. Perhaps so awesome, that we knew not the true extent of the magnificence that we were and as a result of that when we found ourselves unable, unable to take responsibility for actually being gods, we just decided that it might just be useful to forget a little bit about what is truth and thus began our descent into a self created barrier of consciousness. An awareness in which we chose to cover ourselves with amnesia forgetting the fact that we have it all because with absolute power comes absolute responsibility. Since we are not willing to handle that it becomes so very convenient to lay out all the blame, on the feet of the lord up there and say, "well this is what you have chosen, I am destined to do it, and so is my karma, is my destiny.", Crap !!!

You chose to forget, you chose that because you did not have to take the responsibility; and today you blame the system. It has nothing to do with the system.

Ironically, since the consciousness of the earth is changing you are now choosing back through your own created dramas, the power deep within you. That is how this whole video series is going on. Why do we need a facebook exercise? We need a facebook exercise simply because we have forgotten the fact that it was all with us in any case and so we need somebody like me who comes in like an idiot, week after week, provoking your amnesia into waking up and remembering the fact you were, you are and you will always be the divine. But we want proof and so how do we get this proof? We get this proof by planning once again to have an environment which will challenge our abilities. Such a fantastic plot! I will tell you if there were Oscars for movie making, for acting, for script writing, each one of us would bag these hands own. We execute this so beautifully because now, we are on an upward scale of consciousness where we are seeking to remember once again that we are the divine in motion. How do we remember this? By proving it! And how do we prove this? By inviting challenging situations in which eventually we discover the power to go beyond our programming. This is the most interesting aspect of the journey.

Once again, ironically, I was having a discussion with my friends and they were talking about what happens with the elephant. It is such a beautiful exercise. For all those of you, who have seen the elephant being trained, the exercise of the elephant being trained is one classical epitome of what happens to human consciousness. For those of you who are not aware of this, perhaps this might be a good time to understand it. So, when elephant is born, it is obviously not aware the sheer amount of power it is going to wield when it grows up and to train the elephant the people who capture it or people who keep it, tie the foot of the elephant with a chain and the elephant tries to break the chain but can't break it. and slowly the mindset of the elephant gets completely converted into a belief that if there is anything binding his foot he is unable to break it. To the extent that when the elephant grows up, probably weighs five tonnes and has the power of god knows what ! can uproot trees, can damage buildings and yet this same elephant, the moment there is even a rope touching the foot of the elephant the mindset of the elephant keeps it absolutely docile and still. That is exactly what happens to us. We choose in our programming, we choose in our parenting, we choose in our religion, we choose in our education, all those chains which will make us the bound elephant and then begins our journey with emotional pain. Because the power is there but the belief says that you are bound and that belief becomes your emotional jack till one fine day you break that mindset and you break that mindset simply by understanding that if you were that elephant who had the chain around your foot what would you love to feel. Ah! I would love to feel free. At the end of the day that is the only thing that the soul is desirous of experiencing. It's the desire to feel free and experience life for whatever it is.

So, the next time you have to change your response remember the response should be the response which frees you. Never binds you. If you can implement that, the massive elephantine power that lies within you is just ready to be unleashed. Enjoy!

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