Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia: Accept where you are with love !!!

A very pleasant,and a very warm, reconnecting Hi to all those of you who are on this journey with me.A major part of me somehow feels that life is so beautiful and simple. But if you ask this question to many people, I am not so sure that they would agree because so many of us spend hours, days, weeks, months fighting, running challenging, seeking to change things in our lives which are not working. Where is this basic premise coming from? Simply because we have forgotten the fact that we are all part of a universal system, a system, which is very wise. Our mandate being components of this wise system is to just understand how the system works and enjoy it. But that doesn't happen, just doesn't happen and then our journey with pain starts. What do we do when we have pain? We are constantly trying to change all those elements, which give us pain.You know one of the bizarre things about being human, is this one simple truth, that though we pride ourselves as being the most intelligent species on the planet, most of the times unfortunately most of the times we manifest very painful, very difficult lives, simply because of the inappropriate choices we have made. And now that we have made those choices which are not working, we are working over time to change, change, change, make things happen, change the people, change the job, change the city, change the country, change the profile, change. for how many people has it worked? Very few, because the basic intent we are working with is pain ! So when you change with pain, my friends,the only thing that you would get is more pain.I know many of you watching this video are probably maybe mentally very upset with me saying. here is this crazy dude talking all crazy things expecting us to waste our time listening to him, saying no, there is nothing to change. so what do we do? Ok, simple, very simple - You are where you are because that is the result of a choice you made somewhere, sometime. If you are where you are because,that is the choice that you made somewhere sometime, pls acknowledge it. Take responsibility for it. I am here because somewhere, sometime, I made the choice of being here and that is why I am here.Now, if you start acknowledging that and you start taking responsibility for being there you will naturally stop blaming others for what is happening in your space. If you stop blaming others for what is happening in your space, the universe smiles just that little bit and starts encouraging you and starts saying; Well for all the good children of the universe, good behaviour deserves a good chocolate. What does good behaviour come to and come from ? It comes from the understanding that if I have chosen to be here at this time, there has to be a benefit in this for me and if there has to be a benefit in it for me, instead of getting stuck with the emotional charge that this pain creates, can I just try and re-orient my mind to understand what is the benefit that is coming out of it. Remember, in any crisis my friends most of us have a basic preponderance to either fight our way out of our crisis and my limited experience working the humans and their minds has often suggested that whenever our response to our situation is fight, the only thing we keep inviting are greater and greater fights and more and more challenges. So if you come from that premise that life is a challenge and I have to fight my way and make it to the top, sure, the universe will keep conspiring overtime and will keep feeding your ego with more and more situations which will compel you to feel very good about the fact that you are fighting with glory, guts and gumption to claim the prize. Good for you. But it is an un-ending and vicious cycle my friends because an attitude of fight brings up another fight.Next response pattern. Accept. That is what it is! I am a miserable mongrel I have hurt people, god is angry is now looking down and saying suffer ! and so I am suffering !! Typically what many of us do when we resign ourselves to our fate. Acceptance because there is no choice. But my friends, the world's best kept secret, is, accept, but you have a lot of choice. So if I accept and I have a lot of choice, where does that get me? Acceptance of the fact that you are where you are, because of a choice you made and because the universe finds wisdom in you being there and if you can shake away the emotional pain that comes out of the story and look for the wisdom this situation has to offer, you will learn the value of acceptance with love. The day, the moment and the minute, you learn this value, this value of accepting your position with love because there is wisdom waiting for you to emerge, the very mindset of love starts giving you that wisdom. The moment the wisdom falls into place my friends, viola, it is time to make a different choice.So, success in life depends on two factors: accept where you are, with love and when can you do that? only when you have complete faith, complete faith that the dude up there, has you here because there is something you need to learn, accept that with love and faith, go for the learning, go for the wisdom, the moment you accept with love, the wisdom naturally emerges out. The moment wisdom emerges out, you have reclaimed the god power back in your hand to now make a different choice, again based on love. So, though change is fundamental to evolution in life only that change works which is based on love. Why? Because love is the language of creation, love is the language of evolution, love is the language of growth, love is the language of the divine. At no point of time in your life should you ever be disconnected from this one truth. So at any junction of your life, ask yourself this one question, am I reacting out of this moment out of fear or love? If you are reacting out of fear, the next video will tell you exactly what to do, if you are reacting out of love, you can probably stop seeing this series after this one !All the best !!!

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