Monday, August 16, 2010

Feel the love in your space and then become life's best player, play with the colors of your life - by Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia

Picking up the thread from the previous video, if you are lucky enough, empowered enough, happy enough or just sensible enough to keep responding with love for everything in your life then my friends you have reached your destination.

Though,my job isn't done as yet... I have a couple of other people to catch up with who are in the dual mode. If you are in the dual mode, nothing wrong, that is how life is. one of the crazy aspects of our life on earth is that where there is good there is bad, where there is nice there is pathetic, where there is joy there is sorrow, where there is pain there is pleasure, where there is light there is darkness, where there is love there is fear. That is one of those things that is!

When we talk of life being full of choices my friends, we always, always have this choice. Are you responding to a given situation in your life out of love or are you reacting out of fear?

Responses in life based on love are empowering responses, which liberate you; they give you an amazing sense of freedom. Responses based on fear give you insecurity, make you angry, makes you jealous, makes you feel that the ground below you is shifting.

So it is very easy to even understand for yourself, are you coming from love or are you coming from fear!

Let's assume we are coming from fear. Ok, no big deal we are coming from fear, let us acknowledge it, we are scared. We have all the rights to be scared because we have seen death, we have seen pain, we don't understand how this game works, perfectly natural response of "self preservation". Absolutely, fine, Ok, but the response of self-preservation will only preserve the "self"! It won't do anything else.

So, if you are in the circular circuit of constantly reacting with fear because you want to preserve yourself where ever you are, then good for you, you can continue your response from fear. But, you will never move anywhere in life, you will keep going round and round, round and round, coming back to the same point, absolutely every time to the same point. What will change is your job, the people in your life, monetary profile, but you will continue to react out of fear. If that is your reaction I would strongly recommend my friends, maybe focus on a couple of self help techniques.

Change your breathing, very simple. I am not a great proponent telling people to viciously pursue an educated therapist or viciously pursue a guru and so on. and so forth because you have within yourself all the tools.

The amazing aspect of life my friends is that the divine has empowered us with everything we need for our journey. Life is a planned event. You know even in these days of high technology if we have to travel from place A to place B how much planning we do. Have you ever thought of that? You sit on your net, select an airline, book your ticket, make sure you have a print out, you keep the PNR number, you have done all those things and then you have to plan, reaching the airport one and a half hour before the departure, plan your clothes, do so much of planning which is for a short trip maybe a couple of hours and come back. So can you imagine how much of planning you would have done for a journey which is going to last you a seventy years,or so? Think of it. Seventy years, eighty years, hundred years, even fifty years. How much of planning? So life is planned and you plan a lot of it and come. You also plan all the tools you would need on this journey. Like you take your clothes, you take your shaving kit, take your perfumes, take your make up box, all those things. so you have also brought down with yourselves simple tools which you have within your own space, to be able to make your own journey easy, loving and effortless and one of the most powerful tools you have is your own breathing.

So, the moment you conclude your reaction is based on fear, just change the way you breathe. Maybe breathing in through the nose and gently breathing out through the mouth for a couple of minutes will help you majorly. Try it out. Just think of the painful memory you have ever had and start breathing differently, breath in through the nose and gently breath out through the mouth as if you are blowing air into a balloon. Do that for a minute, two minutes, two and a half minutes. you will gradually realize, that you heart beat is settling down, your mind is becoming much calmer, you will be able to look at the same event with remarkable stoicism and a quiet mindset. It is in this beautiful space of nothingness that what it is to respond with love emerges. Response with love never can emerge if you are emotionally disturbed, which takes us back to probably the first fundamental response to life mastery, which is mastering your emotions.

So the moment you are faced with a situation which emotionally dis-empowers you, weakens you, scares you, accept that's there, then breath differently. The moment you breathe differently you will give yourself an opportunity to free yourself from the viciousness of that emotional pain. The moment you free yourself from the viciousness of the emotional pain, you will hit a calm, vacant, empty space in your mind. Love is what will naturally fill this up with because love is what you are, you don't have to seek it. It is just what you are. For most of us unfortunately, because we start our life journey with events which bring us pain, we then start responding to life hoping to match up people's expectations so that they may love us and the only reason which you are looking for love and belonging from other people is because you have lost that touch with it yourself. There is no human who comes on this planet alone, you always come with your divinity intact, but you forget that, and the day you forget that you start operating out a void, you start operating out a fear, and that fear now puts you on this compelling cycle of always trying to do what is expected of you rather than what it is that you would love to experience. If you followed what you would love to experience, probably all of you might have had your own fan pages, your own videos, distributing this to thousands of others because the wisdom of life is very simple. But most of us respond from fear then we land up always trying to match up expectation of what other people and the system expects, what our parents expects, what out education expects, what our spouses expect, and the more we do what is expected of us, and we are doing this so that we get love, which of course never comes because love from the external environment is one of the biggest illusions. You can never attract love from anywhere unless you love yourself to madness.

So breathe differently, emote differently, feel the love in your space and then become life's best player, play with the colors of your life

I never subscribe to the philosophy that you should leave everything and disappear into the mountains, yeah, maybe that is the route for some people, their choice, but life is a beautiful journey to be enjoyed, embraced, loved with all your heart and passion, starts with this slight shift in response. breathe your way into glory . enjoy it.

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