Tuesday, July 27, 2010
إلى أمي .. مع التحية - بسّــام بــلّان
"إلى أمي .. مع التحية"
تناقلت وسائل الإعلام الخبر التالي:
"أقدمت أم هندية على طعن ابنها البالغ من العمر ثماني سنوات بسكين في بطنه؛ طعنة جاءت بأحشائه الى أمامه، في مشهد درامي جعل والد الطفل في حالة هلع وفزع شديدين..أجّل كل شيء على أثرهما ، حتى محاسبة "الجانية" ليكسب الثواني لاسعاف "المجني عليه". وبصعوبة بالغة استطاع الفريق الطبي اسعاف الطفل وإعادة كل شيء الى مكانه.
وقبل أن يفيق الطفل من المخدر، كانت الأم في قبضة الشرطة ، واعترفت للمحقق أنها أقدمت على فعلتها هذه لأنها أنفقت أكثر من ساعة من الزمن في تعليم" فلذة كبدها" كيفية التفريق في اللفظ بين الحرفين(إي) و ( في ) باللغة اللاتينية ..ولكن من دون جدوى؛ الأمر الذي أخرجها عن طورها. ولم تجد وسيلة لمعاقبته سوى "بقر" بطنه بالسكين!"
هذا الخبر، على مأساويته وإثارته ولا انسانيته أيضا، أثار فيّ الكثير والكثير.. وحملني من فوره على جناح من الأفكارالغريبة.. وفي النهاية وجدت نفسي أقول: الحمد لله.. الشكر لله!
لقد حمدت الله وشكرته على أن الأمهات العربيات شفوقات رحيمات؛ نادراً ما تُـقدم واحدة منهن على إيذاء ولدها مهما اشتد غضبها منه.. فنحن العرب محظوظون جداً بقلوب أمهاتنا.. ولو كانت أمهاتنا مثل تلك الأم الهندية لامتلأت شوارع وساحات مدننا العربية بالأعضاء البشرية، ولأصبحت هذه الساحات أشبه ما تكون بمتاحف لعرض الأذان المقطوعة، والعيون المقلوعة، الكروش والأمعاء والطحالات والمررات والقلوب و(.......)؛ فالحمد لله إنه الرحمن الرحيم.
فالأم الهندية طعنت ابنها و فغرت كرشه لأنه لم يتمكن من التفريق بين حرفين في التهجية.. بينما أمهاتنا العربيات لم يصفعن أحداً من أبنائهن،ولو صفعة،على الرغم من أنهم نسوا التاريخ والجغرافيا..و باعوا واشتروا منساقين خلف أوهام ونزعات شخصية وحسب.
الحمد لله أن أمهات الكثير من المديرين في مواقع المسؤولية العربية، ومعاونيهم ونوابهم ومستشاريهم، رحيمات شفوقات، وإلاّ لكانت قد تحولت المؤسسات التي يقوم عليها هؤلاء الى مسالخ تفوح منها رائحة الدم ، بعدما أهملوا ما أهملوه، وبعدما تلاعبوا بمصالح الناس من دون أدنى رادع أو وخزة من ضمير.
الحمد لله أن أمهات الكثير من المدرسين و"المعلمين" العرب رحيمات شفوقات؛ وإلاّ لكنا استفقنا ذات يوم لنرى كروش هؤلاء وقد فصلت عن أجسادهم، بعدما جعلوا من أسمى المهن وأكثرها قداسة تجارة وشطارة.. ربح وخسارة.
الحمد لله أن أمهات الكثير من الأطباء العرب رحيمات شفوقات، وإلا لعجزت المستشفيات والمراكز الطبية التي يعملون فيها عن تقديم المساعدة الكافية إليهم وهم مطعونون طعنات خارقة حارقة في كروشهم، بعدما نسوا أوتناسوا أنهم مؤتمنون على أرواح خلق الله وصحتهم، وجعلوا من مهنتهم "بيزنس" فقط.. وعملهم خاضع لمنطق العرض والطلب!
الحمد لله أن أمهات الكثرة الكاثرة من المثقفين العرب رحيمات شفوقات، وإلاّ لوجدنا الأوراق التي يسطرون عليها كذبهم ودجلهم وشهادات الزور، التي يبيعونها بأرخص الأثمان، وقد امتزج حبرها بالأمعاء والدماء!
الحمد لله أن أمهات الكثير من السياسيين العرب رحيمات شفوقات، وإلاّ لوجدناهم أمام المصير الذي يستحقونه، بعدما تخلوا عن كل شيء وباعوا كل شيء وحوّلوا الأوطان الى مزارع وإقطاعات لهم ولمن معهم!
الحمدلله،وألف الحمدلله أن أمهات أغلب الحكام العرب ليس فيهن ولوجزء يسير من تلك الأم الهندية، وإلاّ لكانت أجسادهم إما متناثرة هنا وهناك، وإما كجسد "خالد بن الوليد" لا يخلو شبر منه من طعنة سيف أو رشقة رمح.. عقاباً لهم على ما فعلوه بشعوبهم..
الحمد لله وألف الحمدلله أن أمهاتنا لا تشبه تلك الأم الهندية، وكذلك أمي، لأن مصيري كان سيشبه، تماماً، مصير ذلك الطفل، بعدما تقرأ أو يقرأ لها أحد هذه السطور!
فهل من عربي يشك، بعد الآن، بأن الله قد سخر له من الأمهات ما لم يسخره للآخرين!
الحمد لله.. وليكن الله في عون كل مَنْ في أمه جزء مما في تلك الأم الهندية.
لم يذكر الخبر(مستهل الحديث) إن كان الأطباء الذين خاطوا بطن الطفل المبقور قد نسوا فيه قطناً أوشاشاً أو مقصاً.. أوغير ذلك!
بسّــام بــلّان
تناقلت وسائل الإعلام الخبر التالي:
"أقدمت أم هندية على طعن ابنها البالغ من العمر ثماني سنوات بسكين في بطنه؛ طعنة جاءت بأحشائه الى أمامه، في مشهد درامي جعل والد الطفل في حالة هلع وفزع شديدين..أجّل كل شيء على أثرهما ، حتى محاسبة "الجانية" ليكسب الثواني لاسعاف "المجني عليه". وبصعوبة بالغة استطاع الفريق الطبي اسعاف الطفل وإعادة كل شيء الى مكانه.
وقبل أن يفيق الطفل من المخدر، كانت الأم في قبضة الشرطة ، واعترفت للمحقق أنها أقدمت على فعلتها هذه لأنها أنفقت أكثر من ساعة من الزمن في تعليم" فلذة كبدها" كيفية التفريق في اللفظ بين الحرفين(إي) و ( في ) باللغة اللاتينية ..ولكن من دون جدوى؛ الأمر الذي أخرجها عن طورها. ولم تجد وسيلة لمعاقبته سوى "بقر" بطنه بالسكين!"
هذا الخبر، على مأساويته وإثارته ولا انسانيته أيضا، أثار فيّ الكثير والكثير.. وحملني من فوره على جناح من الأفكارالغريبة.. وفي النهاية وجدت نفسي أقول: الحمد لله.. الشكر لله!
لقد حمدت الله وشكرته على أن الأمهات العربيات شفوقات رحيمات؛ نادراً ما تُـقدم واحدة منهن على إيذاء ولدها مهما اشتد غضبها منه.. فنحن العرب محظوظون جداً بقلوب أمهاتنا.. ولو كانت أمهاتنا مثل تلك الأم الهندية لامتلأت شوارع وساحات مدننا العربية بالأعضاء البشرية، ولأصبحت هذه الساحات أشبه ما تكون بمتاحف لعرض الأذان المقطوعة، والعيون المقلوعة، الكروش والأمعاء والطحالات والمررات والقلوب و(.......)؛ فالحمد لله إنه الرحمن الرحيم.
فالأم الهندية طعنت ابنها و فغرت كرشه لأنه لم يتمكن من التفريق بين حرفين في التهجية.. بينما أمهاتنا العربيات لم يصفعن أحداً من أبنائهن،ولو صفعة،على الرغم من أنهم نسوا التاريخ والجغرافيا..و باعوا واشتروا منساقين خلف أوهام ونزعات شخصية وحسب.
الحمد لله أن أمهات الكثير من المديرين في مواقع المسؤولية العربية، ومعاونيهم ونوابهم ومستشاريهم، رحيمات شفوقات، وإلاّ لكانت قد تحولت المؤسسات التي يقوم عليها هؤلاء الى مسالخ تفوح منها رائحة الدم ، بعدما أهملوا ما أهملوه، وبعدما تلاعبوا بمصالح الناس من دون أدنى رادع أو وخزة من ضمير.
الحمد لله أن أمهات الكثير من المدرسين و"المعلمين" العرب رحيمات شفوقات؛ وإلاّ لكنا استفقنا ذات يوم لنرى كروش هؤلاء وقد فصلت عن أجسادهم، بعدما جعلوا من أسمى المهن وأكثرها قداسة تجارة وشطارة.. ربح وخسارة.
الحمد لله أن أمهات الكثير من الأطباء العرب رحيمات شفوقات، وإلا لعجزت المستشفيات والمراكز الطبية التي يعملون فيها عن تقديم المساعدة الكافية إليهم وهم مطعونون طعنات خارقة حارقة في كروشهم، بعدما نسوا أوتناسوا أنهم مؤتمنون على أرواح خلق الله وصحتهم، وجعلوا من مهنتهم "بيزنس" فقط.. وعملهم خاضع لمنطق العرض والطلب!
الحمد لله أن أمهات الكثرة الكاثرة من المثقفين العرب رحيمات شفوقات، وإلاّ لوجدنا الأوراق التي يسطرون عليها كذبهم ودجلهم وشهادات الزور، التي يبيعونها بأرخص الأثمان، وقد امتزج حبرها بالأمعاء والدماء!
الحمد لله أن أمهات الكثير من السياسيين العرب رحيمات شفوقات، وإلاّ لوجدناهم أمام المصير الذي يستحقونه، بعدما تخلوا عن كل شيء وباعوا كل شيء وحوّلوا الأوطان الى مزارع وإقطاعات لهم ولمن معهم!
الحمدلله،وألف الحمدلله أن أمهات أغلب الحكام العرب ليس فيهن ولوجزء يسير من تلك الأم الهندية، وإلاّ لكانت أجسادهم إما متناثرة هنا وهناك، وإما كجسد "خالد بن الوليد" لا يخلو شبر منه من طعنة سيف أو رشقة رمح.. عقاباً لهم على ما فعلوه بشعوبهم..
الحمد لله وألف الحمدلله أن أمهاتنا لا تشبه تلك الأم الهندية، وكذلك أمي، لأن مصيري كان سيشبه، تماماً، مصير ذلك الطفل، بعدما تقرأ أو يقرأ لها أحد هذه السطور!
فهل من عربي يشك، بعد الآن، بأن الله قد سخر له من الأمهات ما لم يسخره للآخرين!
الحمد لله.. وليكن الله في عون كل مَنْ في أمه جزء مما في تلك الأم الهندية.
لم يذكر الخبر(مستهل الحديث) إن كان الأطباء الذين خاطوا بطن الطفل المبقور قد نسوا فيه قطناً أوشاشاً أو مقصاً.. أوغير ذلك!
بسّــام بــلّان
Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia: You can choose to experience whatever your heart chooses to experience, just don't get married to them!
You can choose to experience whatever your heart chooses to experience. Wow! What a euphoric feeling. Just give yourself the luxury of closing your eyes and living this out. What is the deepest experience you would wish to go through? Feel it in your heart and see how fantastic it feels to experience that. Not that I want to play a party pooper at the moment but as I said, to win the game you must play the game by the rule. So though you have the inherent right to the experience and as I mentioned when the going is good our intellect tends to go to sleep and then we all know what happens to the train, the same experience can completely become your identification of it, which will then make it your ego.
So let's conclude this series with this thought that you have the right to the experience but not the right to marry the experience. Which means, the moment you experience, what ever it is, that you truly wish to experience, take some time out and completely surrender that experience back to the universe. Remember you are an expression of this universal consciousness that has come on this planet in a physical format for experiences to be felt through the paradigm of emotions.
One cannot feel emotions without a body. Every single emotion felt is throughout the body. Ask people who get their thrill when their car starts racing from 0 to 60 in 5 or 6 seconds because they have this fantastic horse power engine, it's a physical feeling, the thrill, the excitement, the fear, all emotions are felt in the body. So you are on this journey to experience whatever experience you wish and feel the emotions in your body but remember when the experience is done, if you surrender it back to the universe then you don't identify yourself with the experience and you remain a fresh slate and an open petal for a new experience, a different experience something you can embrace in a different format all over again.
Nature in its inherent wisdom teaches us the most amazing truths of life and nature does it purely because that is how nature is. So if you look at nature every morning a flower will bloom because that is the experience of that flower on that day. The very next day the same flower will not bloom in the same manner. It will choose a different experience. A bird may chirp at 6am in the morning and may not chirp the next day because that is the experience of chirping at that moment. So nature shows you in its infinite wisdom how every moment is following its own inherent experience of that moment. Have you seen nature doing everything in precise clockwork timing? No, that does not exist and nature does it because that is the evolution of nature. The day as humans we understand this completely that at a given point of time, whatever it is that your heart wishes to experience is what you should completely experience in that moment, surrender that experience to the universe, thank it with gratitude for having given you the luxury of the experience and open yourself up like a fresh slate, you shall walk this planet as a humble student of life who mastered its intricasies. Very much like nature, a different day a new way to fly up to the sun and you will realize that you will never ever get bored of life, because life is nothing but a series of beautiful experiences which you link segment by segment, piece by piece to eventually make a fantastic garland, a garland that you could call your own unique experience in life. However, no body gets married to the garland. You take it, experience it, surrender it.
This should be the last rule for this series. When I come back next time, it will be with a completely different mindset, a completely different pitch because I would presume all these things are already playing somewhere at the back of your mind. I do not know at this point in time what my next video is going to be. But suffice to say, this video concludes and extremely important, an extremely important junction. It is a major junction like the terminus where many trains come together and you kind of off load yourself and say alright this is where I am, life is good now let me see which new train I must board. So till we meet for a new train, even I don't know which train I am going to drive, because this was my chosen experience to date, that is what I have shared with you, to date. Next video, which experience, which thought, which emotion, I have no idea, but I am enjoying this moment, I suppose, you are enjoying it as well. Because it is your energies when you relate to this the feed back that we get which invariably tells us that life becomes so very beautiful when we understand that compassion in itself is not just a human emotion,it is a force that this entire universe is made of. It is that singular force, I feel that is binding me in my capacity and each one of you who is looking at this video.
So compassion is not what I am feeling purely for myself in the moment because my life has enriched me with whatever I went through but there is this part of me which also feels that I am alive in all your hearts. There is one part of me which is alive in each one of you who is watching this video and that part of me which is alive in you I suppose somewhere is god smiling at all of us Lets make life long and fruitfully enjoyable.
Best of luck.
So let's conclude this series with this thought that you have the right to the experience but not the right to marry the experience. Which means, the moment you experience, what ever it is, that you truly wish to experience, take some time out and completely surrender that experience back to the universe. Remember you are an expression of this universal consciousness that has come on this planet in a physical format for experiences to be felt through the paradigm of emotions.
One cannot feel emotions without a body. Every single emotion felt is throughout the body. Ask people who get their thrill when their car starts racing from 0 to 60 in 5 or 6 seconds because they have this fantastic horse power engine, it's a physical feeling, the thrill, the excitement, the fear, all emotions are felt in the body. So you are on this journey to experience whatever experience you wish and feel the emotions in your body but remember when the experience is done, if you surrender it back to the universe then you don't identify yourself with the experience and you remain a fresh slate and an open petal for a new experience, a different experience something you can embrace in a different format all over again.
Nature in its inherent wisdom teaches us the most amazing truths of life and nature does it purely because that is how nature is. So if you look at nature every morning a flower will bloom because that is the experience of that flower on that day. The very next day the same flower will not bloom in the same manner. It will choose a different experience. A bird may chirp at 6am in the morning and may not chirp the next day because that is the experience of chirping at that moment. So nature shows you in its infinite wisdom how every moment is following its own inherent experience of that moment. Have you seen nature doing everything in precise clockwork timing? No, that does not exist and nature does it because that is the evolution of nature. The day as humans we understand this completely that at a given point of time, whatever it is that your heart wishes to experience is what you should completely experience in that moment, surrender that experience to the universe, thank it with gratitude for having given you the luxury of the experience and open yourself up like a fresh slate, you shall walk this planet as a humble student of life who mastered its intricasies. Very much like nature, a different day a new way to fly up to the sun and you will realize that you will never ever get bored of life, because life is nothing but a series of beautiful experiences which you link segment by segment, piece by piece to eventually make a fantastic garland, a garland that you could call your own unique experience in life. However, no body gets married to the garland. You take it, experience it, surrender it.
This should be the last rule for this series. When I come back next time, it will be with a completely different mindset, a completely different pitch because I would presume all these things are already playing somewhere at the back of your mind. I do not know at this point in time what my next video is going to be. But suffice to say, this video concludes and extremely important, an extremely important junction. It is a major junction like the terminus where many trains come together and you kind of off load yourself and say alright this is where I am, life is good now let me see which new train I must board. So till we meet for a new train, even I don't know which train I am going to drive, because this was my chosen experience to date, that is what I have shared with you, to date. Next video, which experience, which thought, which emotion, I have no idea, but I am enjoying this moment, I suppose, you are enjoying it as well. Because it is your energies when you relate to this the feed back that we get which invariably tells us that life becomes so very beautiful when we understand that compassion in itself is not just a human emotion,it is a force that this entire universe is made of. It is that singular force, I feel that is binding me in my capacity and each one of you who is looking at this video.
So compassion is not what I am feeling purely for myself in the moment because my life has enriched me with whatever I went through but there is this part of me which also feels that I am alive in all your hearts. There is one part of me which is alive in each one of you who is watching this video and that part of me which is alive in you I suppose somewhere is god smiling at all of us Lets make life long and fruitfully enjoyable.
Best of luck.
Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia: One has a choice to the experience & not the route it takes to reach !!!
Here we are with a absolutely empowering possibility, a possibility of choosing whatever we wish to experience. The question now is, we have the right to the experience... sure, but are we wiser than the universe in telling the universe in what format do we want the experience? This is where most of us get jacked!So, what we do not realize is that we incarnate in an environment that the universe has chosen for us to learn something or become wise and very often that environment if it is hostile, tends to make you to want to change the environment.
Strangely, believe it or not, you will expend the maximum energy of your life in trying to change that with absolutely zero result. So, what is that the universe is trying to communicate to you? The universe is trying to tell you that the environment is communicating, for you to accept the wisdom from it and change your response to yourself to experience a different experience. But most of us expect that the same environment will change and that is an absolute screw-ball !!!If you wish to experience abundance, you have a right to experience it, but does that mean that the abundance must come to you only through the stock market because you are a stockbroker? I have had innumerable cases of stock brokers who went through cycles and cycles of bankruptcy simply because, their ego got hurt when they lost money for the first time, me included, and they are desperate changing their response so that the same stocks which ate away their money will give them the money back. But that is an ego trip, you are not truly changing your response. It is the ego hitting back changing your response with a vested interest that the area from where you got the pain is what will give you pleasure. What we are not figuring out is the area which is giving you pain is the universe talking to you saying clearly that it is not your area. But we try even to change our response so that we can convert the same pain into pleasure. Can that happen? It can never happen, because if fire burns, it burns, there is no way under the sun that you can convert it into ice. It cannot happen, because, it is the property of fire to burn. If you are taking this knowledge with the hope that you will change the response so that your current painful environment will become pleasurable, forget it. You are wasting your time !!! Absolutely !!!You have the choice of experience but let the universe decide how it wants to give you that experience. You can experience whatever you want, you can experience money, you can experience love, you can experience any single abundance of resource which you would like to experience provided you submit that experience as a petition to the universe, understand you are the universe's favorite child. The universe will give you that experience but you must be open enough to let the experience come into your life the way the universe wishes to give it to you. And when the universe wishes to give it to you, the universe will bend backwards to make it happen for you !!!So, an absolutely easy way of understanding whether what you are asking for and what is being granted to you is a part of universal grace or not, is by checking how easily you are attracting the new experience. The more effortless the experience becomes the more the universe has a hand in giving you that experience.
I have in my career as a therapist experienced so many clients who are so very desperate for their husbands to love them or their wives to love them or their children to love them and my simple question is what is it that you want? Oh, we want to experience love, all right, so tell the universe I wish to experience love, and be prepared for it. You will never know who will come into your life to give you love. Does the love only need to come in a format "abc"? Is love so pathetic and so restrictive that it is the trademark policy of social norm for love to come only in one format? Especially when the format is giving you pain? Does not work dude! So just sit, think and have faith in yourself. A lot of people get stuck here.
One more thing, since you have the titular right to the experience, and since in the eyes of the universe there is no time and there is no space, the way to attract that experience in your universe is to feel it in your heart as if it is already happening. So, if you wish to experience love in your life, start behaving as if you are the universe's most loved child, because the way you will behave with yourself is exactly the way the universe will behave with you. So if you are harsh with yourself and you keep feeling that you the unluckiest person, then that is exactly what the universe will give you. If you wait for the universe to give you a series of lucky events to happen before you begin to believe that you are lucky, then sorry, doesn't work! So, start treating yourself as your top priority, you are the world's most loved person by yourself. So what if in this moment other people are not loving you! Love yourself, unconditionally, are you not your most important person? Believe you are the best for yourself, believe that you are luckiest for yourself, believe that you are God in motion who has come on this planet to experience its magnificence. Drop your programming and watch, how the universe bends backwards, in its own unique way to give you that experience and of course having got that experience don't get seduced by its permanency. There is no such thing on this planet as permanent. What starts will end, what is good today is bad tomorrow, the wisdom is to completely live every moment of your life. It lies in completely living every moment of your life perhaps as if it is the last moment or the last day of your life. This is a very ancient teaching that I got from a Buddhist monk, who would often tell me that Yuvraj, one of life's easiest ways is to put a placard in your pocket which simply says today is the last day of my life. Watch how your response to yourself will dramatically change with that. So, if you live every moment of your life assuming that it would be the last moment and you do only those things which gave you total, pure, undiluted self acceptance, go ahead and do it. Formula for winning, formula for enjoying the win, loosing comes in the way once in a while, how does it matter? End of the day, loosing is a format of winning differently! Ok?
1. Accept what's happening in your life as a universal sign of change
.2. Become the change yourself for yourself
.3. Open yourself to the universe for the experience you so richly deserve.
Then perhaps, you will be sitting on a video like this talking to millions of people, who knows,
best of luck.
Strangely, believe it or not, you will expend the maximum energy of your life in trying to change that with absolutely zero result. So, what is that the universe is trying to communicate to you? The universe is trying to tell you that the environment is communicating, for you to accept the wisdom from it and change your response to yourself to experience a different experience. But most of us expect that the same environment will change and that is an absolute screw-ball !!!If you wish to experience abundance, you have a right to experience it, but does that mean that the abundance must come to you only through the stock market because you are a stockbroker? I have had innumerable cases of stock brokers who went through cycles and cycles of bankruptcy simply because, their ego got hurt when they lost money for the first time, me included, and they are desperate changing their response so that the same stocks which ate away their money will give them the money back. But that is an ego trip, you are not truly changing your response. It is the ego hitting back changing your response with a vested interest that the area from where you got the pain is what will give you pleasure. What we are not figuring out is the area which is giving you pain is the universe talking to you saying clearly that it is not your area. But we try even to change our response so that we can convert the same pain into pleasure. Can that happen? It can never happen, because if fire burns, it burns, there is no way under the sun that you can convert it into ice. It cannot happen, because, it is the property of fire to burn. If you are taking this knowledge with the hope that you will change the response so that your current painful environment will become pleasurable, forget it. You are wasting your time !!! Absolutely !!!You have the choice of experience but let the universe decide how it wants to give you that experience. You can experience whatever you want, you can experience money, you can experience love, you can experience any single abundance of resource which you would like to experience provided you submit that experience as a petition to the universe, understand you are the universe's favorite child. The universe will give you that experience but you must be open enough to let the experience come into your life the way the universe wishes to give it to you. And when the universe wishes to give it to you, the universe will bend backwards to make it happen for you !!!So, an absolutely easy way of understanding whether what you are asking for and what is being granted to you is a part of universal grace or not, is by checking how easily you are attracting the new experience. The more effortless the experience becomes the more the universe has a hand in giving you that experience.
I have in my career as a therapist experienced so many clients who are so very desperate for their husbands to love them or their wives to love them or their children to love them and my simple question is what is it that you want? Oh, we want to experience love, all right, so tell the universe I wish to experience love, and be prepared for it. You will never know who will come into your life to give you love. Does the love only need to come in a format "abc"? Is love so pathetic and so restrictive that it is the trademark policy of social norm for love to come only in one format? Especially when the format is giving you pain? Does not work dude! So just sit, think and have faith in yourself. A lot of people get stuck here.
One more thing, since you have the titular right to the experience, and since in the eyes of the universe there is no time and there is no space, the way to attract that experience in your universe is to feel it in your heart as if it is already happening. So, if you wish to experience love in your life, start behaving as if you are the universe's most loved child, because the way you will behave with yourself is exactly the way the universe will behave with you. So if you are harsh with yourself and you keep feeling that you the unluckiest person, then that is exactly what the universe will give you. If you wait for the universe to give you a series of lucky events to happen before you begin to believe that you are lucky, then sorry, doesn't work! So, start treating yourself as your top priority, you are the world's most loved person by yourself. So what if in this moment other people are not loving you! Love yourself, unconditionally, are you not your most important person? Believe you are the best for yourself, believe that you are luckiest for yourself, believe that you are God in motion who has come on this planet to experience its magnificence. Drop your programming and watch, how the universe bends backwards, in its own unique way to give you that experience and of course having got that experience don't get seduced by its permanency. There is no such thing on this planet as permanent. What starts will end, what is good today is bad tomorrow, the wisdom is to completely live every moment of your life. It lies in completely living every moment of your life perhaps as if it is the last moment or the last day of your life. This is a very ancient teaching that I got from a Buddhist monk, who would often tell me that Yuvraj, one of life's easiest ways is to put a placard in your pocket which simply says today is the last day of my life. Watch how your response to yourself will dramatically change with that. So, if you live every moment of your life assuming that it would be the last moment and you do only those things which gave you total, pure, undiluted self acceptance, go ahead and do it. Formula for winning, formula for enjoying the win, loosing comes in the way once in a while, how does it matter? End of the day, loosing is a format of winning differently! Ok?
1. Accept what's happening in your life as a universal sign of change
.2. Become the change yourself for yourself
.3. Open yourself to the universe for the experience you so richly deserve.
Then perhaps, you will be sitting on a video like this talking to millions of people, who knows,
best of luck.
Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia: As Human, we have a choice to be happy & we are mostly unhappy !!! Isn't it bizarre?
You know; one of the bizarre paradoxes of human existence is this awareness that we can choose to be happy and yet we are mostly unhappy. The reasons are not very far to look at. The biggest negative factor in this story is that when life starts running smooth, when life is beautiful, when life is in cruise control, our intellect tends to go to sleep. We tend to drop our vigilance to life. We tend to drop our attitude to keeping in mind that the rules do not have to be compromised when you are playing the game. Once again, quoting a very, very famous cricketer....( I am very fond of cricket so there are lots of examples of cricket.) there was a legendary Indian cricketer, who was known for his penchant to score hundreds and when he was asked how he could consistently score so many centuries in his career, his reply was an extremely intelligent and pertinent one. He said, every time I touch fifty runs, in my mind, I reset my score to zero. The moment I do that I am able to bring on my concentration back to peak level because when I am starting my innings, I am extremely vigilant.
This is true with all of us. When we want to accomplish something, we are vigilant with all the rules. We will do it right and of course doing it right gives you rewards. Then unfortunately, when the rewards of life start coming in, we drop that vigilance. We drop the guard and then invariably there is pain. This is not to berate you, the objective of sharing this thought is not to make you feel miserable, it is because this is a natural and normal human trend. So if there is pain, then the pain is nothing but a communication by the universe, which is telling you, mate, pay attention. Don't ever be scared of pain, in any format. Pain is simply the world talking to you and saying "jack, you have dropped your guard, you need to just pick it up again." Pain is nothing but the universe guiding you to take action. Move !!! Having understood that, the best way then of course is to negotiate this pain by being vigilant all the time. So if the going is good, don't drop your guard, keep your vigilance up, check the three golden rules of earth at the moment, which are, a) have you been consistently treating all things appropriately? B) Have you been accepting people for what they are? c) Have you been experiencing emotions and are you able to say bye, bye to them without getting married. If you have been doing this consistently correctly, even when the going is good, then obviously pain is not going to touch you at all. Remember emotions will come and go. But emotions are transient in nature, they will come, they will go, don't get married to them and keep your vigilance meter up. Should you keep your vigilance meter in place and then it is possible, it is completely possible to learn with pleasure.
In our human mindset we have all associated pain with learning and that is one of the reasons why if you note, that the first big pain, which came into your life has still not completely left you. I can guarantee that because you have made that pain into your own teacher because that pain has been perhaps responsible for your even listening to this video. I am sure, if you life was on cruise control, you are not going to take these ten minutes and listen to this boring character talking some shit !!! You are not going to do that. But if you are listening to this video, you are looking for an answer. And if you are looking for an answer undoubtedly there is some amount of pain somewhere in the system. Means what? Do you need pain to listen to me ? That is an erroneous association that we have made. We have always converted pain to a barometer, which will help us grow, learn, get detached, become wise and do all the nice, nice things that the great guys speak about but that is our fallacious association, we don't need the pain. So if we can commit to ourselves that on an ongoing continuous basis we will coach ourselves, actually, with these rules; then we can all be truly pain free. Just benchmark it all the time. Make sure you are sticking to the basics. You will never ever have a reason to make pain as your teacher. It is perfectly possible to learn with love and with pleasure, provided your intellect, your wisdom and your awareness, do not go to sleep.
I have always compared the human intellect with the "points man", a person who manages the platforms/lines in the station by changing the tracks for the incoming trains. So, if this person is caught napping exactly at the time the train comes it will keep going on the old track, similarly when our intellect going to sleep, which is like being off guard and we keep inviting repeated cycles of pain. Now, this pain is trying to communicate one story, wake up, become alert, change your response, pull the lever, and you will find the train will move on to a different platform. When the train will move to another track, remain alert because there will be another train coming and you do not want to repeat the same cycle and the same learning in a different format!!
I am sure we have seen this many times before, you have one chronic problem in your life the faces change, perhaps the situation changes but the problem does not change. Initially the problem was your father, now the problem is your boss. Basically none of these is the problem, the problem is your mind and the way you are looking at your life, the rest are personifications, which you are attracting to help you understand your game. So perhaps in life if you want to wake up from the snakes and the ladders that we are all playing all the time, be vigilant, be an aware player, become attuned to the rules, keep your mindset going, and then you will enjoy the snakes and ladder. Remember the snakes will still come. Inherently there is nothing wrong with the snakes because sliding down a snake can be a lot of fun. Remember climbing up a ladder can also be very painful. Understand that, go back to the basics, keep your intellect up and about and life will be an effortless game of snakes and ladder. You know many people have asked me that the guys who designed the snakes and ladder game are actually very sadistic people because invariably the fang of the snake is at 99 or 98, just when you need to go to hundred, but then, which of us stopped playing at hundred? Even when we cracked 100, it was nothing but an ego booster and we put the dice back to zero and started all over again. So why don't we see the snake as a great friend who takes you down before you reach 100 and never takes you back to zero!!! No snake takes you back to zero, just gives you opportunity to continue to play without your ego hitting your head. Relax, chill!!! Enjoy the slide, keep the vigilance, enjoy the game, life is a party, best of luck!!!
This is true with all of us. When we want to accomplish something, we are vigilant with all the rules. We will do it right and of course doing it right gives you rewards. Then unfortunately, when the rewards of life start coming in, we drop that vigilance. We drop the guard and then invariably there is pain. This is not to berate you, the objective of sharing this thought is not to make you feel miserable, it is because this is a natural and normal human trend. So if there is pain, then the pain is nothing but a communication by the universe, which is telling you, mate, pay attention. Don't ever be scared of pain, in any format. Pain is simply the world talking to you and saying "jack, you have dropped your guard, you need to just pick it up again." Pain is nothing but the universe guiding you to take action. Move !!! Having understood that, the best way then of course is to negotiate this pain by being vigilant all the time. So if the going is good, don't drop your guard, keep your vigilance up, check the three golden rules of earth at the moment, which are, a) have you been consistently treating all things appropriately? B) Have you been accepting people for what they are? c) Have you been experiencing emotions and are you able to say bye, bye to them without getting married. If you have been doing this consistently correctly, even when the going is good, then obviously pain is not going to touch you at all. Remember emotions will come and go. But emotions are transient in nature, they will come, they will go, don't get married to them and keep your vigilance meter up. Should you keep your vigilance meter in place and then it is possible, it is completely possible to learn with pleasure.
In our human mindset we have all associated pain with learning and that is one of the reasons why if you note, that the first big pain, which came into your life has still not completely left you. I can guarantee that because you have made that pain into your own teacher because that pain has been perhaps responsible for your even listening to this video. I am sure, if you life was on cruise control, you are not going to take these ten minutes and listen to this boring character talking some shit !!! You are not going to do that. But if you are listening to this video, you are looking for an answer. And if you are looking for an answer undoubtedly there is some amount of pain somewhere in the system. Means what? Do you need pain to listen to me ? That is an erroneous association that we have made. We have always converted pain to a barometer, which will help us grow, learn, get detached, become wise and do all the nice, nice things that the great guys speak about but that is our fallacious association, we don't need the pain. So if we can commit to ourselves that on an ongoing continuous basis we will coach ourselves, actually, with these rules; then we can all be truly pain free. Just benchmark it all the time. Make sure you are sticking to the basics. You will never ever have a reason to make pain as your teacher. It is perfectly possible to learn with love and with pleasure, provided your intellect, your wisdom and your awareness, do not go to sleep.
I have always compared the human intellect with the "points man", a person who manages the platforms/lines in the station by changing the tracks for the incoming trains. So, if this person is caught napping exactly at the time the train comes it will keep going on the old track, similarly when our intellect going to sleep, which is like being off guard and we keep inviting repeated cycles of pain. Now, this pain is trying to communicate one story, wake up, become alert, change your response, pull the lever, and you will find the train will move on to a different platform. When the train will move to another track, remain alert because there will be another train coming and you do not want to repeat the same cycle and the same learning in a different format!!
I am sure we have seen this many times before, you have one chronic problem in your life the faces change, perhaps the situation changes but the problem does not change. Initially the problem was your father, now the problem is your boss. Basically none of these is the problem, the problem is your mind and the way you are looking at your life, the rest are personifications, which you are attracting to help you understand your game. So perhaps in life if you want to wake up from the snakes and the ladders that we are all playing all the time, be vigilant, be an aware player, become attuned to the rules, keep your mindset going, and then you will enjoy the snakes and ladder. Remember the snakes will still come. Inherently there is nothing wrong with the snakes because sliding down a snake can be a lot of fun. Remember climbing up a ladder can also be very painful. Understand that, go back to the basics, keep your intellect up and about and life will be an effortless game of snakes and ladder. You know many people have asked me that the guys who designed the snakes and ladder game are actually very sadistic people because invariably the fang of the snake is at 99 or 98, just when you need to go to hundred, but then, which of us stopped playing at hundred? Even when we cracked 100, it was nothing but an ego booster and we put the dice back to zero and started all over again. So why don't we see the snake as a great friend who takes you down before you reach 100 and never takes you back to zero!!! No snake takes you back to zero, just gives you opportunity to continue to play without your ego hitting your head. Relax, chill!!! Enjoy the slide, keep the vigilance, enjoy the game, life is a party, best of luck!!!
Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia: Take next step with FAITH leaving behind your past programming !!!
Here i am, back with you, sharing my crazy thoughts..... crazy because, it might sound mad, but then i have often thought of myself as a mad maverick, who somehow accidentally or by some divine design understood a little bit about how life can be really good. My life is good,so I just thought...maybe I can share my mental musings...perhaps something will work for you.
So, continuing the whole response story, if we are moving away, from the concept of linearity which means, if i now start telling myself that, so what if my father beat me with a cane ! So what if mother did not find 10 minutes to hold me and say "I love you"!!! So what if i lost crores of rupees in a stock exchange scam, does that debar me in this moment from choosing afresh to participate in the joy of life? I don't think so. Because as part of our evolution, as we start completing our own games of duality, of rationality & linearity we understand that life is nothing but a series of opportunities that you have created for yourself to make a choice which works for you. You are always empowered to make that choice in the here and in the now. So, it is all about the here and the now.
If we look at the lives of most of the wise men, who have left behind absolutely incredible impressions on human consciousness,and here i am talking of the evolved people who walked the planet maybe people who we are praying to as gods and goddesses and if you look at their lives on earth you will note one huge issue...., that the environment was difficult yet what did they choose to demonstrate through their life ? They chose to demonstrate, the more hostile the environment, the greater is the opportunity for me to display my divinity. You can look at Jesus, you can look at Krishna and you can look at any ascended master who walked the earth. None of them sat back and said "OH!" because this happened to me in childhood, i am a screwed up nervous wreck. Each of them chose the childhood programming as the perfect setting for them to respond through the power of their divinity they carried. So, if they can do it, why can't you ??? What is separating you from them ? Why can't the god in you emerge right now ? Why can't the goddess in you emerge right now ? Why can't u see that all those events were nothing but opportunities that gave you the power to discover that you can choose, you can choose to be different.
You can make that choice now and if you make that choice now (i know it is easier said than done), remember any objective that you wish to accomplish or any experience that you wish to experience just needs to be appropriately broken down into a series of small and accomplishable tasks. One of the big mistake we often make in life is that we have a huge grandiose vision of where we would all love to go, what is that we would love to experience and yet since the route to that experience is not very clear we land up stagnating in our life where ever we are. In fact that becomes a perfect defence mechanism for us not to move our butt !!! Because we are so beautifully conditioned to be where we are and that any change is always difficult. So intellectually we would love to go there, we would love to make the shift, we would love to be different but since the road is obscure, since the path is not clear we land up doing nothing.
Let me ask you one simple question from where ever you are in your life in this moment right now! Is your immediate next step not always clear? So you may not have the entire sequence planned out till the end. You may have a rough idea of what your big vision is like but the immediate next step that you can take to move in that direction is always, always, always clear. All that life asks of you is to demonstrate the courage, the self belief and the self love to take the immediate next step. Because the moment you take the next step which of course will require immense amount of faith, the next step after that will also become clear at that moment.
So if you realize for all those of you who have been faithfully tracking these videos from the time we started talking you will find a lot of interwoven talk. You will find a lot of cross referencing happening because at the end of the day the universal truth is huge and my only attempt through this whole exercise is to show you that there are a million different ways to bring you to the same universal truth. So having said that take the immediate next step because that is always clear and have faith. Have faith that when you take the immediate next step and you have the power to take that step right now, have the power to choose right now it is all about the now, it is all about the now disconnecting from the toxic effect of the programming you have gone through and understanding that it has given you the strength and the courage to make that shift, take that step. Take that step with the belief that if you are at the edge of the cliff and you jump with faith either the big dude will hold you down there or you will learn to fly and if this is ephermaral and eternal wisdom which has survived time and space I would strongly advocate imbibing that wisdom in your life right now. Take the leap of faith, take the next step, don't wait for the environment to change. Don't wait for things to happen because they won't. You must make the next move. Let us meet at the next junction of the next move.
So, continuing the whole response story, if we are moving away, from the concept of linearity which means, if i now start telling myself that, so what if my father beat me with a cane ! So what if mother did not find 10 minutes to hold me and say "I love you"!!! So what if i lost crores of rupees in a stock exchange scam, does that debar me in this moment from choosing afresh to participate in the joy of life? I don't think so. Because as part of our evolution, as we start completing our own games of duality, of rationality & linearity we understand that life is nothing but a series of opportunities that you have created for yourself to make a choice which works for you. You are always empowered to make that choice in the here and in the now. So, it is all about the here and the now.
If we look at the lives of most of the wise men, who have left behind absolutely incredible impressions on human consciousness,and here i am talking of the evolved people who walked the planet maybe people who we are praying to as gods and goddesses and if you look at their lives on earth you will note one huge issue...., that the environment was difficult yet what did they choose to demonstrate through their life ? They chose to demonstrate, the more hostile the environment, the greater is the opportunity for me to display my divinity. You can look at Jesus, you can look at Krishna and you can look at any ascended master who walked the earth. None of them sat back and said "OH!" because this happened to me in childhood, i am a screwed up nervous wreck. Each of them chose the childhood programming as the perfect setting for them to respond through the power of their divinity they carried. So, if they can do it, why can't you ??? What is separating you from them ? Why can't the god in you emerge right now ? Why can't the goddess in you emerge right now ? Why can't u see that all those events were nothing but opportunities that gave you the power to discover that you can choose, you can choose to be different.
You can make that choice now and if you make that choice now (i know it is easier said than done), remember any objective that you wish to accomplish or any experience that you wish to experience just needs to be appropriately broken down into a series of small and accomplishable tasks. One of the big mistake we often make in life is that we have a huge grandiose vision of where we would all love to go, what is that we would love to experience and yet since the route to that experience is not very clear we land up stagnating in our life where ever we are. In fact that becomes a perfect defence mechanism for us not to move our butt !!! Because we are so beautifully conditioned to be where we are and that any change is always difficult. So intellectually we would love to go there, we would love to make the shift, we would love to be different but since the road is obscure, since the path is not clear we land up doing nothing.
Let me ask you one simple question from where ever you are in your life in this moment right now! Is your immediate next step not always clear? So you may not have the entire sequence planned out till the end. You may have a rough idea of what your big vision is like but the immediate next step that you can take to move in that direction is always, always, always clear. All that life asks of you is to demonstrate the courage, the self belief and the self love to take the immediate next step. Because the moment you take the next step which of course will require immense amount of faith, the next step after that will also become clear at that moment.
So if you realize for all those of you who have been faithfully tracking these videos from the time we started talking you will find a lot of interwoven talk. You will find a lot of cross referencing happening because at the end of the day the universal truth is huge and my only attempt through this whole exercise is to show you that there are a million different ways to bring you to the same universal truth. So having said that take the immediate next step because that is always clear and have faith. Have faith that when you take the immediate next step and you have the power to take that step right now, have the power to choose right now it is all about the now, it is all about the now disconnecting from the toxic effect of the programming you have gone through and understanding that it has given you the strength and the courage to make that shift, take that step. Take that step with the belief that if you are at the edge of the cliff and you jump with faith either the big dude will hold you down there or you will learn to fly and if this is ephermaral and eternal wisdom which has survived time and space I would strongly advocate imbibing that wisdom in your life right now. Take the leap of faith, take the next step, don't wait for the environment to change. Don't wait for things to happen because they won't. You must make the next move. Let us meet at the next junction of the next move.
Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia: Our responses to situations
We understand all about our response to situations and how our responses actually crack our life for us. Let me share with you an interesting insight...... you might not be aware but if you look at the three basic truths which govern our existence on this planet, they are as following:
1. Duality – where there is pleasure, there will be pain; where there is love there will be fear; where there is joy there will be sorrow; where there is right, there will be wrong; where there will be correct there will be in-correct; where there is fun there will be boredom; where there is nice there will be ugly; where there is white, there will be black; where there is light, there will be darkness. This isn’t a good thing or bad thing; it is one of those truths of our lives. Show me one person in this universe who has not faced this. You won’t find anybody. Every game has its own inherent set of rules. There isn’t a game that does not have its own set of rules. For example, if we talk of cricket, then it has a basic rule that there are two sides playing against each other. There is also a basic rule that one team will bat while the other will bowl and field and vice versa. So, if one has to enjoy the game, then one must know the rules and play by the rules. For example, if both teams want to bat first then, the game won’t be able to be played. Every game for the pure enjoyment of the game needs to be played with the right rules. One of rules on earth at the moment is duality. It exists, we can’t run away from it.
2. Linearity – as in linearity of time. So there is a past and that past has a definite impact on the present and what is being done in the present has a huge impact on the future. So, I am what I am today, because of a variety of things which happened to me, maybe when I was a child or while I was growing up and that has now fashioned my response and depending on how I am responding today, my tomorrow gets fashioned. No running away. This is why we are coming across to you so very powerfully with this concept: change your response, change your response… because you cannot change your past, but if you change your response today you will be almost certainly guarantee that you will be able to change your tomorrow & you would like that.
3. Rationality – this is uniformly true for everybody. For example, yesterday I went and touched a hot vessel and my hand got burnt so today, my rationality and logic tells me that I should not visit the fire again, because the fire will burn me. So, based on the experiences I go through in the past, I rationally come to conclusions that influence my present, which in turn becomes the yardstick for my future.
Now if these are the three rules of life, then to crack these rules and enjoy the game there are three suitable responses. So, what should be your response to these three things? If you were to make your life work and if you have understood that your life’s success is about your response, then for these three rules, there are three sets of responses.
So, response #1: Everything in this world has its own inherent value. If I were to ask a question to all of you, if I give you a stone or a chain of gold what would you select? I am sure, more than 90% of the people would select gold because; in their minds gold is value. Think for a while. Suppose you want to dig a hole in the ground, how valuable is that gold? Zero! You might sell it to buy a stone, but eventually the job is done only with the stone. So, the key take away is everything that exists on this universe has its own value and one’s wealth gets determined by the recourses one has, to execute what one needs. So if I want to build a house, then the resources for me are cement and stone and that is of value. Gold just becomes the means to getting that, gold itself is not the resource. I can have all the gold in the world, but if I cannot buy stone and cement with it, then I am very poor because I can’t have a house with it. So, everything has its value. If you keep that in mind, greed will disappear from your life.
Response #2: Every human is unique and you cannot change him or her. Every single person on this earth has come for his or her own unique experience which may or may not fall in line with your chosen paradigm of existence. Not necessary. You must understand that every soul has the inherent right to pursue its path leading to its fulfilment. So the moment you understand that, you will stop judging people as good and bad. You will stop judging their responses as right and wrong simply because it is their chosen experience and you are nobody to judge their chosen experience because, if God does not judge it, who are you to judge it?
Response #3: The doer in you must embrace the duality totally... the observer in you must watch the duality totally. This also means that as a human being, since you have come here to experience emotions there is no running away from emotions. So when you are experiencing joy, experience it fully, but don’t get married to it. It is the experience of that moment. Similarly, if there is a situation which gives you sorrow, which gives you fear, understand that in that moment you need to experience it, experience it and immediately change your mindset to the fact that there is a benefit and automatically the emotion will disappear and there is no need to get married to it.
If you keep these three things in mind all the time, consistently, #1 you will fulfil your basic aspiration of being a human who has come here to feel, #2, without taking away from the pleasure of the feelings, you will be empowered enough at every of point in time through your intellect and through your response to supersede that emotion and to seek the best response for yourself at a given point of time. Finally #3, becoming non-judgmental of people around you, will naturally have people becoming non-judgmental of you. That finally is what each one of us are looking for.
At core level we all wish to be loved and accepted for what we are and not what we have to become. Just think of it. How would your life be if you were loved for what you are … I love you … enjoy yourselves…
1. Duality – where there is pleasure, there will be pain; where there is love there will be fear; where there is joy there will be sorrow; where there is right, there will be wrong; where there will be correct there will be in-correct; where there is fun there will be boredom; where there is nice there will be ugly; where there is white, there will be black; where there is light, there will be darkness. This isn’t a good thing or bad thing; it is one of those truths of our lives. Show me one person in this universe who has not faced this. You won’t find anybody. Every game has its own inherent set of rules. There isn’t a game that does not have its own set of rules. For example, if we talk of cricket, then it has a basic rule that there are two sides playing against each other. There is also a basic rule that one team will bat while the other will bowl and field and vice versa. So, if one has to enjoy the game, then one must know the rules and play by the rules. For example, if both teams want to bat first then, the game won’t be able to be played. Every game for the pure enjoyment of the game needs to be played with the right rules. One of rules on earth at the moment is duality. It exists, we can’t run away from it.
2. Linearity – as in linearity of time. So there is a past and that past has a definite impact on the present and what is being done in the present has a huge impact on the future. So, I am what I am today, because of a variety of things which happened to me, maybe when I was a child or while I was growing up and that has now fashioned my response and depending on how I am responding today, my tomorrow gets fashioned. No running away. This is why we are coming across to you so very powerfully with this concept: change your response, change your response… because you cannot change your past, but if you change your response today you will be almost certainly guarantee that you will be able to change your tomorrow & you would like that.
3. Rationality – this is uniformly true for everybody. For example, yesterday I went and touched a hot vessel and my hand got burnt so today, my rationality and logic tells me that I should not visit the fire again, because the fire will burn me. So, based on the experiences I go through in the past, I rationally come to conclusions that influence my present, which in turn becomes the yardstick for my future.
Now if these are the three rules of life, then to crack these rules and enjoy the game there are three suitable responses. So, what should be your response to these three things? If you were to make your life work and if you have understood that your life’s success is about your response, then for these three rules, there are three sets of responses.
So, response #1: Everything in this world has its own inherent value. If I were to ask a question to all of you, if I give you a stone or a chain of gold what would you select? I am sure, more than 90% of the people would select gold because; in their minds gold is value. Think for a while. Suppose you want to dig a hole in the ground, how valuable is that gold? Zero! You might sell it to buy a stone, but eventually the job is done only with the stone. So, the key take away is everything that exists on this universe has its own value and one’s wealth gets determined by the recourses one has, to execute what one needs. So if I want to build a house, then the resources for me are cement and stone and that is of value. Gold just becomes the means to getting that, gold itself is not the resource. I can have all the gold in the world, but if I cannot buy stone and cement with it, then I am very poor because I can’t have a house with it. So, everything has its value. If you keep that in mind, greed will disappear from your life.
Response #2: Every human is unique and you cannot change him or her. Every single person on this earth has come for his or her own unique experience which may or may not fall in line with your chosen paradigm of existence. Not necessary. You must understand that every soul has the inherent right to pursue its path leading to its fulfilment. So the moment you understand that, you will stop judging people as good and bad. You will stop judging their responses as right and wrong simply because it is their chosen experience and you are nobody to judge their chosen experience because, if God does not judge it, who are you to judge it?
Response #3: The doer in you must embrace the duality totally... the observer in you must watch the duality totally. This also means that as a human being, since you have come here to experience emotions there is no running away from emotions. So when you are experiencing joy, experience it fully, but don’t get married to it. It is the experience of that moment. Similarly, if there is a situation which gives you sorrow, which gives you fear, understand that in that moment you need to experience it, experience it and immediately change your mindset to the fact that there is a benefit and automatically the emotion will disappear and there is no need to get married to it.
If you keep these three things in mind all the time, consistently, #1 you will fulfil your basic aspiration of being a human who has come here to feel, #2, without taking away from the pleasure of the feelings, you will be empowered enough at every of point in time through your intellect and through your response to supersede that emotion and to seek the best response for yourself at a given point of time. Finally #3, becoming non-judgmental of people around you, will naturally have people becoming non-judgmental of you. That finally is what each one of us are looking for.
At core level we all wish to be loved and accepted for what we are and not what we have to become. Just think of it. How would your life be if you were loved for what you are … I love you … enjoy yourselves…
Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia: Problem can never be sorted out at the level at which you create it
Hi, continuing our series on mastering our lives …through understanding our mind. Let us look at how our minds are working right now. At one level, we are all seeking peace, we are all seeking happiness, we are all seeking abundance. Which one of us is not! If that is what we are seeking, it is pretty obvious that perhaps we do not have it, because, if we had it, we would not be seeking it. So, if we are not happy, not peaceful, let us understand what makes us unhappy.
Broadly speaking everything that makes us feel unhappy falls only in one of the following two categories:
a) The way other people behave with us or the way the situation jacks us up!
b) Our own behaviour.
There is nothing in this world, which has the ability to make you feel upset, UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO FEEL THAT WAY
Ideally, we would all love to see other people change. How we would love it! How we would wish our boss becomes this kind, compassionate, benevolent character who will give us leave whenever our heart requires it. How we wish we could manifest a wife who would give us unconditional love and embrace us for whatever we are even though we may stink like a pack of shit and how we wish our friends would tolerate our worst habits. We would love for everybody to change and how we would love the destiny to smile at us and give us a lottery of a million US dollars! How we would love our business prospects to shoot up as India is growing at 8% … We would all love these things… idealistic solution........ bottom line truth.... very elusive. So for all those of us who are stuck in the rigmarole of waiting and waiting for people to change and situations to change are perhaps condemned to waiting… because that is the only thing they will do, wait.
Truly what is in your own capacity, my friends is your own behaviour. You cannot control anything in the universe other than yourself.
Then if it is your behaviour, let us figure out in your behaviour what makes you unhappy? One of the key things in our behaviour which makes us unhappy is our perceived failures of life. Every single human who has walked this planet has had a graph of duality, where there have been moments of ecstasy and moments which have been painful: there are moments of great joy & success and there are moments of pathos and sadness.
Yet lives biggest success stories revolve behind those who clearly understood that there is no such thing in life as failure. It is only feedback. Which means, if you have inherent faith in the director of this plot, in your own most empowered potential and you feel there is something in your life which is not working in your assessment (please remember whatever is happening is having an inherent wisdom in it, rather than looking at it as a failure and letting your mind spin out of control in a negative degrading spiral downwards, if you could start training yourself to understand that if it is happening, it is happening with divine sanction, which means there must be a benefit for me.
There is no situation in your life my friends that that will come into your life without an inherent benefit. Our problem is, we get so caught up in the emotional drama that follows our perceived failure that very often we fail to spot the inherent benefit in that moment. If you check most successful people in life, when they talk about their life stories and when they talk about their lives when they were very difficult, in retrospect they will tell you how those difficulties were hugely responsible for teaching them and training them and giving them those invaluable attributes that they so desperately required at that moment of their lives. So, if that is happening to you today my friends, if there is in your life that is not working right now, just ask yourself if this is happening for my benefit, let me try and find it. Cause there is a benefit for sure.
Always remember, as Einstein says, a problem can never be sorted out at the level at which you create it. For solving a problem, one needs to always rise about it. Problems are nothing but universal’s wisdom’s way of saying move up in life, there is a solution already there which you need to find and that solution or that benefit is what you need to spot and crack. Now if you get this very clear in your mind, that all your life’s stories is nothing but a sequence of events in which you were either learning, gaining, becoming wiser, becoming sharper, becoming more intelligent, becoming tougher maybe becoming smarter, then the inner programming of your magnet will get beautifully aligned into this absolutely one way street of positive outlook.
The day you manage, my friends, you have mastered your life. You have mastered your life simply because whether you believe it or not, it is not the environment which determines your success or failure, it is always the response you exhibit at that moment in time that will determine this.
So, right now, just take a deep breath and start talking to yourself that whatever is happening in your life at this moment of time is because somebody up there wants it to happen and if somebody up there wants it to happen, then it is in your own interest to allow it to happen and enjoy that and if it is in your interest to allow it and enjoy it then you also realize that you need to change the way you talk to your own god, because all this while your continuous communication with your god has been, Oh god, this is such a huge problem. From today let’s just change that, let’s talk to the problem and tell the problem I have a huge god, which is much bigger than you. The day you start doing this consistently my friends, you cracked it.
Be with it… it is difficult to digest… I am sure somewhere in your heart a little bulb is going to get lit up !!!
Broadly speaking everything that makes us feel unhappy falls only in one of the following two categories:
a) The way other people behave with us or the way the situation jacks us up!
b) Our own behaviour.
There is nothing in this world, which has the ability to make you feel upset, UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO FEEL THAT WAY
Ideally, we would all love to see other people change. How we would love it! How we would wish our boss becomes this kind, compassionate, benevolent character who will give us leave whenever our heart requires it. How we wish we could manifest a wife who would give us unconditional love and embrace us for whatever we are even though we may stink like a pack of shit and how we wish our friends would tolerate our worst habits. We would love for everybody to change and how we would love the destiny to smile at us and give us a lottery of a million US dollars! How we would love our business prospects to shoot up as India is growing at 8% … We would all love these things… idealistic solution........ bottom line truth.... very elusive. So for all those of us who are stuck in the rigmarole of waiting and waiting for people to change and situations to change are perhaps condemned to waiting… because that is the only thing they will do, wait.
Truly what is in your own capacity, my friends is your own behaviour. You cannot control anything in the universe other than yourself.
Then if it is your behaviour, let us figure out in your behaviour what makes you unhappy? One of the key things in our behaviour which makes us unhappy is our perceived failures of life. Every single human who has walked this planet has had a graph of duality, where there have been moments of ecstasy and moments which have been painful: there are moments of great joy & success and there are moments of pathos and sadness.
Yet lives biggest success stories revolve behind those who clearly understood that there is no such thing in life as failure. It is only feedback. Which means, if you have inherent faith in the director of this plot, in your own most empowered potential and you feel there is something in your life which is not working in your assessment (please remember whatever is happening is having an inherent wisdom in it, rather than looking at it as a failure and letting your mind spin out of control in a negative degrading spiral downwards, if you could start training yourself to understand that if it is happening, it is happening with divine sanction, which means there must be a benefit for me.
There is no situation in your life my friends that that will come into your life without an inherent benefit. Our problem is, we get so caught up in the emotional drama that follows our perceived failure that very often we fail to spot the inherent benefit in that moment. If you check most successful people in life, when they talk about their life stories and when they talk about their lives when they were very difficult, in retrospect they will tell you how those difficulties were hugely responsible for teaching them and training them and giving them those invaluable attributes that they so desperately required at that moment of their lives. So, if that is happening to you today my friends, if there is in your life that is not working right now, just ask yourself if this is happening for my benefit, let me try and find it. Cause there is a benefit for sure.
Always remember, as Einstein says, a problem can never be sorted out at the level at which you create it. For solving a problem, one needs to always rise about it. Problems are nothing but universal’s wisdom’s way of saying move up in life, there is a solution already there which you need to find and that solution or that benefit is what you need to spot and crack. Now if you get this very clear in your mind, that all your life’s stories is nothing but a sequence of events in which you were either learning, gaining, becoming wiser, becoming sharper, becoming more intelligent, becoming tougher maybe becoming smarter, then the inner programming of your magnet will get beautifully aligned into this absolutely one way street of positive outlook.
The day you manage, my friends, you have mastered your life. You have mastered your life simply because whether you believe it or not, it is not the environment which determines your success or failure, it is always the response you exhibit at that moment in time that will determine this.
So, right now, just take a deep breath and start talking to yourself that whatever is happening in your life at this moment of time is because somebody up there wants it to happen and if somebody up there wants it to happen, then it is in your own interest to allow it to happen and enjoy that and if it is in your interest to allow it and enjoy it then you also realize that you need to change the way you talk to your own god, because all this while your continuous communication with your god has been, Oh god, this is such a huge problem. From today let’s just change that, let’s talk to the problem and tell the problem I have a huge god, which is much bigger than you. The day you start doing this consistently my friends, you cracked it.
Be with it… it is difficult to digest… I am sure somewhere in your heart a little bulb is going to get lit up !!!
Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia: Human Behavior - await external environment sanctioning our happiness
At one level most of us still depend on our environment to sanction our happiness; we depend on our loved ones to love us to make us feel loved . Let's unravel this game a little deeper.
A huge truth about human behaviour revolves around communication. The truth simply states that the meaning of the communication is the result that it gets. Most of us in life, especially when we are dependant on an environmental interaction are completely focused only on what we are saying and since we are dependant on the environment, if we disconnect from the result that the environment gives us we invite pain.
For example, this communication is happening in English and for this communication to be effective; all of you must understand English. But if all of you have no clue of this language, and then the meaning of my communication is entirely redundant, useless, and stupid, which is what is seen with many trainers in several workshops. We are all constantly showing the world what we know, which is fine provided we are operating out of self love, which we are not. so since we are looking for an approval from people, the only way you will get that approval is when you speak what they want to hear. So if you speak what the people want to hear, it is but natural that you will get exactly the result you wanted to get in the first place.
Making sense? Think about it? You want leave from work. Ok, so you go ahead and tell the boss, I need leave tomorrow. Boss is already thinking, Oh gosh, if this guy takes leave tomorrow, there is a deadline to be achieved for a certain project report which he was to submit and thanks to you taking leave perhaps he will not be able to make that submission,... chances of you being granted that leave are very poor. But the moment you tell the boss, I have made arrangements for the submission, don't worry, nothing for you will get stuck, the report will be delivered to you by so and so person,in that case can I take leave tomorrow? Rest assured my friends, the leave is guaranteed. You will get the result that you require.
This is true at every single juncture of life. So when you appreciate other people naturally in turn they land up appreciating you. You get exactly what you want. When you help other people succeed in life rest assured your own success is guaranteed. A lot of times in life when it comes to this communication, the reason we disconnect from the environment is because we get emotionally involved in what we are saying and the moment we get emotionally involved in what we are saying, we seek justification for the communication the way we are projecting it. And of course, since it does not bring the desired result, it keeps the flag of conflict continuing into perpetuity.
So just pause for a moment and put yourself into the shoes of the other person, and understand what is it that the other person wants to hear. If you figure that out and speak exactly that language, then whatever you want from that person gets delivered to you effortlessly. Sometimes following this requires you to challenge your own perception and belief. So if you have a boss who likes to be praised, if you have a boss who likes to control people, give him the control, praise the boss, no problems, give him exactly what he needs. If you deliver to him exactly what he needs whatever you want from him gets delivered to you effortlessly.
This is so true when it comes to dealing with our own children. Most of the time when it comes to our children we are constantly telling them what to do, all the time and we expect our children to listen to us round the clock. Have we ever paused to think how much do we listen to what the child wants to tell us? Without getting irritated, without pushing, what is the child is trying to tell us? Can we process this without our own filter of perception? Many parents say, of course we talk to the child all the time, we always want to know what is happening in the child's life. Sure, what they want to know is what happened at school, what is the homework that has to be done. that's the last thing the child wants to talk to the parents! The child probably may want to tell how he went on to the road and played cricket and scored a brilliant 50 runs !!! The child probably wants to tell you about what happened with his friend in school and how he managed to get two marbles extra in a game he was playing. Are we willing to listen to that? No, we are not and then we expect our children to listen to us all the time. So, if only you could take out ten or fifteen minutes in the day when you are just listening to what your child wants to tell you and listening carefully without interruptions making the child feel extremely important as if at that moment the only thing that exists for you is your child. Believe me my friends for the rest of the time in the day the child will listen to you completely.
Think about this. Do unto others what you want others to do to you !!If you want results, help people, achieve and get the results that they are looking for. The moment you crack that, it is another missing piece in your jigsaw puzzle. You can't find your own piece, no problem, just help arrange the other pieces that are obviously falling into place. That is easy because universe is talking to you the environment is talking to you it is telling you exactly what it wants from you. Help that fall into place, you get your result automatically & naturally as a corollary. Always remember this, you want the results? Give other people the result they want first. This challenges your belief, your perception, do it, you will get your result.
This of course since we are taking the entire module from the perception of the external environment talking to us for us to figure out what we want to do. Going back two videos, if you are already on the path of self-love, then you can just chill and watch the video without trying to apply any part of it. The choice is completely yours, but for those of us who are still looking at the environment as a feedback mechanism for self acceptance these are a few simple rules which will help your life become better, simpler, much more effective in turn polishing you for your Oscar of life.
Enjoy and have fun.
A huge truth about human behaviour revolves around communication. The truth simply states that the meaning of the communication is the result that it gets. Most of us in life, especially when we are dependant on an environmental interaction are completely focused only on what we are saying and since we are dependant on the environment, if we disconnect from the result that the environment gives us we invite pain.
For example, this communication is happening in English and for this communication to be effective; all of you must understand English. But if all of you have no clue of this language, and then the meaning of my communication is entirely redundant, useless, and stupid, which is what is seen with many trainers in several workshops. We are all constantly showing the world what we know, which is fine provided we are operating out of self love, which we are not. so since we are looking for an approval from people, the only way you will get that approval is when you speak what they want to hear. So if you speak what the people want to hear, it is but natural that you will get exactly the result you wanted to get in the first place.
Making sense? Think about it? You want leave from work. Ok, so you go ahead and tell the boss, I need leave tomorrow. Boss is already thinking, Oh gosh, if this guy takes leave tomorrow, there is a deadline to be achieved for a certain project report which he was to submit and thanks to you taking leave perhaps he will not be able to make that submission,... chances of you being granted that leave are very poor. But the moment you tell the boss, I have made arrangements for the submission, don't worry, nothing for you will get stuck, the report will be delivered to you by so and so person,in that case can I take leave tomorrow? Rest assured my friends, the leave is guaranteed. You will get the result that you require.
This is true at every single juncture of life. So when you appreciate other people naturally in turn they land up appreciating you. You get exactly what you want. When you help other people succeed in life rest assured your own success is guaranteed. A lot of times in life when it comes to this communication, the reason we disconnect from the environment is because we get emotionally involved in what we are saying and the moment we get emotionally involved in what we are saying, we seek justification for the communication the way we are projecting it. And of course, since it does not bring the desired result, it keeps the flag of conflict continuing into perpetuity.
So just pause for a moment and put yourself into the shoes of the other person, and understand what is it that the other person wants to hear. If you figure that out and speak exactly that language, then whatever you want from that person gets delivered to you effortlessly. Sometimes following this requires you to challenge your own perception and belief. So if you have a boss who likes to be praised, if you have a boss who likes to control people, give him the control, praise the boss, no problems, give him exactly what he needs. If you deliver to him exactly what he needs whatever you want from him gets delivered to you effortlessly.
This is so true when it comes to dealing with our own children. Most of the time when it comes to our children we are constantly telling them what to do, all the time and we expect our children to listen to us round the clock. Have we ever paused to think how much do we listen to what the child wants to tell us? Without getting irritated, without pushing, what is the child is trying to tell us? Can we process this without our own filter of perception? Many parents say, of course we talk to the child all the time, we always want to know what is happening in the child's life. Sure, what they want to know is what happened at school, what is the homework that has to be done. that's the last thing the child wants to talk to the parents! The child probably may want to tell how he went on to the road and played cricket and scored a brilliant 50 runs !!! The child probably wants to tell you about what happened with his friend in school and how he managed to get two marbles extra in a game he was playing. Are we willing to listen to that? No, we are not and then we expect our children to listen to us all the time. So, if only you could take out ten or fifteen minutes in the day when you are just listening to what your child wants to tell you and listening carefully without interruptions making the child feel extremely important as if at that moment the only thing that exists for you is your child. Believe me my friends for the rest of the time in the day the child will listen to you completely.
Think about this. Do unto others what you want others to do to you !!If you want results, help people, achieve and get the results that they are looking for. The moment you crack that, it is another missing piece in your jigsaw puzzle. You can't find your own piece, no problem, just help arrange the other pieces that are obviously falling into place. That is easy because universe is talking to you the environment is talking to you it is telling you exactly what it wants from you. Help that fall into place, you get your result automatically & naturally as a corollary. Always remember this, you want the results? Give other people the result they want first. This challenges your belief, your perception, do it, you will get your result.
This of course since we are taking the entire module from the perception of the external environment talking to us for us to figure out what we want to do. Going back two videos, if you are already on the path of self-love, then you can just chill and watch the video without trying to apply any part of it. The choice is completely yours, but for those of us who are still looking at the environment as a feedback mechanism for self acceptance these are a few simple rules which will help your life become better, simpler, much more effective in turn polishing you for your Oscar of life.
Enjoy and have fun.
Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia: Understanding love through Human Behavior
I am back with a very concrete action plan this time.
Since many of us find it difficult to make the journey inwards into what we truly love, fully and completely, which, ideally should be the approach, in reality, for many of us, it is not so simple. There is too much of pressure from the environment, from our own people and these are people we love, parents, children, spouse, colleagues, each one of them demanding a certain behavior… this could take one far away from whatever one would have love for oneself… so in case that route is a little difficult, another very simple approach is getting into the depth of human behavior.
So, from this segment onwards, I am going to share with you a few very simple truths, of how we all behave. Why am I sharing this with you? If you understand this, you will probably understand why people around you are behaving how they are behaving… because the principles of behavior don’t change… and if you can understand why people around you are behaving the way they are behaving… it obviously becomes very simple then to make peace with your own self. Most of us always conclude when things in our life especially things in our relationships are not going too well, we are right, we are hurt, people around us are mean, they are going out of their way to actually, literally jack us !!! But they are behaving the way they are, simply because they are programmed to behave that way …
So let’s begin this exercise of understanding how we all behave. The first very simple truth on this journey is starting with a postulate, which says, people always work perfectly… yes, the statement is bold and is subject to a lot of questioning instantly and is triggering a lot of questions in your mind and thinking what crap !!! How can this be justified!!! Hold it and think.
Every person doing whatever activity he or she is doing, is doing it based on his or her internal meter of perfection which may or may not match your own meter. So very often if you are in a company and if you believe that you are absolutely indispensable to the company, you need to be needed all the time, then my friends….u r in a jack…ask me why? Most of us have this as a vital belief as that is how we feed our bruised and battered egos… whenever we realize that we are absolutely indispensable to a system, or to another person, all that we are doing is using that as an excuse to shore up our own battered self esteem because the fact of the matter is no body is indispensable. Breathing is there today, it will stop tomorrow and things will go on… simple truth of life !!! Nothing stop !!! Things just go on!!!
It is our lack of self worth which makes us believe, that we are intrinsic to the successful existence of other people in our lives. The fact is… we are not!!! Having said that, if you still follow that belief, that you are absolutely indispensable, what are you going to manifest in your company? You are going to manifest people around you in your company who will make sure that some mistake or the other remains committed because that gives you a reason to justify your basic belief that you are indispensable. Where does this take you? You will keep hiring more and more people who will make silly mistakes and you will not only land up dishing out their salaries and supervising them too, just to hold the belief that you are indispensable.
Now, a very good way of flipping this model is, if your staff is making a silly mistake some where or the other and they are consistently making this one mistake, then are you able to spot a pattern that they are doing everything else absolutely correct. This basically means that they have perfected the art of executing your task with only one mistake. Who ever said that perfection was getting things 100% right? Perfection is simply mapping and delivering a consistent output to a certain belief, that is perfection; there is no other benchmark for perfection. So if your staff has mastered the art of making only one mistake and that too because you want to feel that you are indispensable, that is exactly what they would do. Shocking…is it not? Now, if your ego permits you to break this cycle, start focusing on the 99 things that they are doing correctly. Now, if this is done, I know for a short while, there might be turbulence in your organization, in your life, maybe a little disturbing, but by and large the love that you will start to feel in your heart, when you start appreciating the 99% of the things which are happening correctly, in your estimate, is what will actually transform that 99% into 100%.
Think about it, so the next time your servant makes a mistake at home just think of the ten other things the same servant is doing absolutely correctly. I am not for a moment saying that you must condone what is wrong or what doesn’t work, but since where ever your mind focuses is exactly what you will get, If you mind focuses in picking faults in others, then the only thing you will get in your universe will be people with more and more faults. Let us focus instead on the good things people are doing around you, appreciate that. That will make you feel love and the moment you will start feeling this love in an absolutely subtle and silent manner, this potent transformative power of love will make sure that whatever change is required to be introduced into the system happens painlessly, effortlessly, compassionately & lovingly.
Be the change you wish to see around you. So if people work perfectly start applying the same paradigm to yourself. You are also working perfectly. So wherever you are in life at this matter, no matter what you are doing, you are doing just fine. If this statement brings a smile on your face, I believe this exercise is absolutely worth the effort. Right here, right now, wherever you are, you are fine. Enjoy this...
Since many of us find it difficult to make the journey inwards into what we truly love, fully and completely, which, ideally should be the approach, in reality, for many of us, it is not so simple. There is too much of pressure from the environment, from our own people and these are people we love, parents, children, spouse, colleagues, each one of them demanding a certain behavior… this could take one far away from whatever one would have love for oneself… so in case that route is a little difficult, another very simple approach is getting into the depth of human behavior.
So, from this segment onwards, I am going to share with you a few very simple truths, of how we all behave. Why am I sharing this with you? If you understand this, you will probably understand why people around you are behaving how they are behaving… because the principles of behavior don’t change… and if you can understand why people around you are behaving the way they are behaving… it obviously becomes very simple then to make peace with your own self. Most of us always conclude when things in our life especially things in our relationships are not going too well, we are right, we are hurt, people around us are mean, they are going out of their way to actually, literally jack us !!! But they are behaving the way they are, simply because they are programmed to behave that way …
So let’s begin this exercise of understanding how we all behave. The first very simple truth on this journey is starting with a postulate, which says, people always work perfectly… yes, the statement is bold and is subject to a lot of questioning instantly and is triggering a lot of questions in your mind and thinking what crap !!! How can this be justified!!! Hold it and think.
Every person doing whatever activity he or she is doing, is doing it based on his or her internal meter of perfection which may or may not match your own meter. So very often if you are in a company and if you believe that you are absolutely indispensable to the company, you need to be needed all the time, then my friends….u r in a jack…ask me why? Most of us have this as a vital belief as that is how we feed our bruised and battered egos… whenever we realize that we are absolutely indispensable to a system, or to another person, all that we are doing is using that as an excuse to shore up our own battered self esteem because the fact of the matter is no body is indispensable. Breathing is there today, it will stop tomorrow and things will go on… simple truth of life !!! Nothing stop !!! Things just go on!!!
It is our lack of self worth which makes us believe, that we are intrinsic to the successful existence of other people in our lives. The fact is… we are not!!! Having said that, if you still follow that belief, that you are absolutely indispensable, what are you going to manifest in your company? You are going to manifest people around you in your company who will make sure that some mistake or the other remains committed because that gives you a reason to justify your basic belief that you are indispensable. Where does this take you? You will keep hiring more and more people who will make silly mistakes and you will not only land up dishing out their salaries and supervising them too, just to hold the belief that you are indispensable.
Now, a very good way of flipping this model is, if your staff is making a silly mistake some where or the other and they are consistently making this one mistake, then are you able to spot a pattern that they are doing everything else absolutely correct. This basically means that they have perfected the art of executing your task with only one mistake. Who ever said that perfection was getting things 100% right? Perfection is simply mapping and delivering a consistent output to a certain belief, that is perfection; there is no other benchmark for perfection. So if your staff has mastered the art of making only one mistake and that too because you want to feel that you are indispensable, that is exactly what they would do. Shocking…is it not? Now, if your ego permits you to break this cycle, start focusing on the 99 things that they are doing correctly. Now, if this is done, I know for a short while, there might be turbulence in your organization, in your life, maybe a little disturbing, but by and large the love that you will start to feel in your heart, when you start appreciating the 99% of the things which are happening correctly, in your estimate, is what will actually transform that 99% into 100%.
Think about it, so the next time your servant makes a mistake at home just think of the ten other things the same servant is doing absolutely correctly. I am not for a moment saying that you must condone what is wrong or what doesn’t work, but since where ever your mind focuses is exactly what you will get, If you mind focuses in picking faults in others, then the only thing you will get in your universe will be people with more and more faults. Let us focus instead on the good things people are doing around you, appreciate that. That will make you feel love and the moment you will start feeling this love in an absolutely subtle and silent manner, this potent transformative power of love will make sure that whatever change is required to be introduced into the system happens painlessly, effortlessly, compassionately & lovingly.
Be the change you wish to see around you. So if people work perfectly start applying the same paradigm to yourself. You are also working perfectly. So wherever you are in life at this matter, no matter what you are doing, you are doing just fine. If this statement brings a smile on your face, I believe this exercise is absolutely worth the effort. Right here, right now, wherever you are, you are fine. Enjoy this...
Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia: Thought to Process - Step 1 - Love yourself & the world loves you...
Welcome to the second segment of this journey. This journey in which, I am your friend, colleague, your co-traveller, looking for my own destinations, my own answers, just like you are, perhaps enjoying this journey the way you must be enjoying too.
I am going to share an extremely personal side of mine with all of you, perhaps these are shades of my being which are not very well known, for all of you who are not aware, I started my journey from a very different background. I was associated with financial markets for a long time. In the year 1993-94, I went through a devastating & shocking financial crisis, which absolutely wiped me and my family clean. Those were tough days when I probably saw death first hand, days in which I personally had become an object of ridicule, from so many people in the environment, people who I had thought were very close to me. and when people who are close to you hurt you.. It hurts, it really hurts and yet today Yuvraj Kapadia is sitting, walking this with you with love, joy and a lot of fun. Often when I think back on those times and I wonder, what is that I held on to for dear life ? What is that which helped me preserve my sanity, which helped this Yuvraj Kapadia emerge out of an absolute abyss of darkness... just one thing
Throughtout my journey, I never lost love for myself, never ever lost love for myself. Since we are the magnet which spins our reality around us, I held onto that love, I constantly told myself that I am unique and I am here for a purpose, something happening in my life is a drama I have chosen to play. I know it sounds difficult but I did that. Never lost my self respect, never lost my love, perhaps just lost a passage of time.
The world does to you exactly what you do to yourself. Always remember this.. the first golden rule of happy existence. You want to have fun in life ? You want to feel loved by people ? You want to be accepted by this universe ? It all starts with you doing the same thing to yourself. Make a list of all the things you would love doing, just for yourself, no matter how people perceive it, don't worry, do it, start working and moving to a state where your focus is joy, the joy of being, the love of living.. and as you start doing that my friends, you will naturally start seeing a major miracle unfolding.., it is a question of time and space. when the universe around you will start mirroring exactly the same story.
So, if for example, you keep doubting yourself. then the only thing you will see in the universe around you is greater and greater opportunities for greater and greater doubt !!!If you keep hating yourself. The only thing you will attract from this universe is hate and more hate from people. If you keep feeling miserable about yourself the only people whom you will attract in your universe are the ones who will make you feel more miserable. So the story, my friends is only YOU, YOU & ONLY YOU,... now that your awareness is getting ready to shift from being an absolutely unaware actor to an aware actor. Just check this out. All good actors at some point of time in their career start becoming very aware of how they are acting. they keep watching their own movies, why do they do that ? Well, because they love themselves. They just love themselves fully. It is the same with cricketers, all the good cricketers will keep watching their own innings. because as you keep watching yourself, you love yourself and you open yourself up to betterment, things just keeps getting better and better. Bottom line, you are moving from unaware actor to aware actor from aware actor to your own director and finally god willing and I am truly hoping for all of us, that this exercise we have launched together with my intent and your support and beyond that with universal consent and blessing, if this journey is pulled off right, I am extremely confident that each and every one of us will finally land up taking charge, dawning the mantle, of being our own producers as well. So, once again, choice. If you want to move, from being an unaware actor to becoming producer, director and lead actor of your movie with complete awareness, start loving yourself fully. Start treating yourself with complete respect. Become your own role model, admire yourself and as you start doing all these things to yourself, naturally you will start seeing your environment conspiring to mirror itself in your belief.
It is a very, very basic truth but it is very huge. Love yourself the world loves... you hate yourself the world hates you because the world around you my friends is nothing but an amplified mirror of your own attitude and your belief to yourself. Sounds simple, is very simple. Nothing difficult, nothing complicated.
We are now moving from the concept to the action.. we are now moving from thought to process. and the first step in the process again is love and accept yourself wherever you are, right now, 100%. Start doing that and then with a hawk's eye, just watch, what's happening in the environment, magic is just about to unfold.
I am going to share an extremely personal side of mine with all of you, perhaps these are shades of my being which are not very well known, for all of you who are not aware, I started my journey from a very different background. I was associated with financial markets for a long time. In the year 1993-94, I went through a devastating & shocking financial crisis, which absolutely wiped me and my family clean. Those were tough days when I probably saw death first hand, days in which I personally had become an object of ridicule, from so many people in the environment, people who I had thought were very close to me. and when people who are close to you hurt you.. It hurts, it really hurts and yet today Yuvraj Kapadia is sitting, walking this with you with love, joy and a lot of fun. Often when I think back on those times and I wonder, what is that I held on to for dear life ? What is that which helped me preserve my sanity, which helped this Yuvraj Kapadia emerge out of an absolute abyss of darkness... just one thing
Throughtout my journey, I never lost love for myself, never ever lost love for myself. Since we are the magnet which spins our reality around us, I held onto that love, I constantly told myself that I am unique and I am here for a purpose, something happening in my life is a drama I have chosen to play. I know it sounds difficult but I did that. Never lost my self respect, never lost my love, perhaps just lost a passage of time.
The world does to you exactly what you do to yourself. Always remember this.. the first golden rule of happy existence. You want to have fun in life ? You want to feel loved by people ? You want to be accepted by this universe ? It all starts with you doing the same thing to yourself. Make a list of all the things you would love doing, just for yourself, no matter how people perceive it, don't worry, do it, start working and moving to a state where your focus is joy, the joy of being, the love of living.. and as you start doing that my friends, you will naturally start seeing a major miracle unfolding.., it is a question of time and space. when the universe around you will start mirroring exactly the same story.
So, if for example, you keep doubting yourself. then the only thing you will see in the universe around you is greater and greater opportunities for greater and greater doubt !!!If you keep hating yourself. The only thing you will attract from this universe is hate and more hate from people. If you keep feeling miserable about yourself the only people whom you will attract in your universe are the ones who will make you feel more miserable. So the story, my friends is only YOU, YOU & ONLY YOU,... now that your awareness is getting ready to shift from being an absolutely unaware actor to an aware actor. Just check this out. All good actors at some point of time in their career start becoming very aware of how they are acting. they keep watching their own movies, why do they do that ? Well, because they love themselves. They just love themselves fully. It is the same with cricketers, all the good cricketers will keep watching their own innings. because as you keep watching yourself, you love yourself and you open yourself up to betterment, things just keeps getting better and better. Bottom line, you are moving from unaware actor to aware actor from aware actor to your own director and finally god willing and I am truly hoping for all of us, that this exercise we have launched together with my intent and your support and beyond that with universal consent and blessing, if this journey is pulled off right, I am extremely confident that each and every one of us will finally land up taking charge, dawning the mantle, of being our own producers as well. So, once again, choice. If you want to move, from being an unaware actor to becoming producer, director and lead actor of your movie with complete awareness, start loving yourself fully. Start treating yourself with complete respect. Become your own role model, admire yourself and as you start doing all these things to yourself, naturally you will start seeing your environment conspiring to mirror itself in your belief.
It is a very, very basic truth but it is very huge. Love yourself the world loves... you hate yourself the world hates you because the world around you my friends is nothing but an amplified mirror of your own attitude and your belief to yourself. Sounds simple, is very simple. Nothing difficult, nothing complicated.
We are now moving from the concept to the action.. we are now moving from thought to process. and the first step in the process again is love and accept yourself wherever you are, right now, 100%. Start doing that and then with a hawk's eye, just watch, what's happening in the environment, magic is just about to unfold.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
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