Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Basic building block of the material world is an "atom", thru understanding interplay energies within it, let us understand life - Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia

Interestingly, the other day, I was conducting a workshop in Mumbai. There was an old student of mine, who came up with a question on the model of the material world. Strangely, the question got me thinking.

What the student brought up was a very interesting insight into the way our material world is fashioned.

Let's get into this a little deeper. So if we could go back in time to the time we were at school, grappling and breaking our heads with this subjects called physics and chemistry, what you might still remember is that these material sciences told us, if you look at matter and you split matter up you will land up with a molecule and if you split the molecule you would land up with an atom. The atom to most of us became and even today probably is the most fundamental particle of existence. Now the amazing part of science is that by virtue of its very material nature you cannot deny what it presents. And locked within the structure of the atom is probably one of the world's profound and interesting secrets and much of it is what we keep saying. The basic dictum' its not out there, its all in here.' Let's apply the same philosophy to the atom.

Now if you break the atom up what you observe is an extremely interesting interplay of energies. At the heart of the atom is its core or the centre called the nucleus. It's a technical word, don't get pissed off, it is fine !

If you split this nucleus up, within the nucleus you would get sub-atomic particles called protons and neutrons and the protons are the dudes, which have a positive charge which means these are continuously emitting positive charge of energy. The neutrons as the name suggests are neutral and surrounding this nucleus all around it in concentric patterns are electrons, which are in the state of constant motion. These electrons carry a negative charge. The further one moves away from the nucleus of the atom the stronger of the negative charge of the electron gets. Now many of you will question, so what's the big secret here?

Well the answer is so close in your face that it is actually difficult to even see it ! So what the atom tells you is that if you start going back into your own core, your nucleus will only emanate positive energy. On the other hand, the moment you shift your focus with awareness to the outside and once you shift your awareness to the outside the further you go away from your central core the stronger the negative charge becomes. As the charge of the negative emotion becomes stronger and stronger you find yourself getting warped into the conundrum of negative emotions. The moment you are stuck in the conundrum of the negative emotions, these become your beliefs and that belief then starts spinning your fresh reality.

So, what's the take home here? I know you are in a physical world. In that physical world you have no option but to interact with the external world as well, True, we are social animals, by habit, by compulsion, by birth and by programming. But the take home from this particular video is, that whenever in life you find stuck with a major negative emotional charge, arising out an interplay in the environment, the only thing you need to do is to withdraw and go right back into your inner space. Go back into your nucleus and if you go back into your nucleus it is but natural by the law of nature by the law of physics by the law of the material world that you will start radiating positive energy. Try it out it is not so difficult. I do know, when you are in the grip of negative emotion it does become very difficult. Because as humans we are so programmed to react. To react instantly to the charge that is hitting us. But just focus a little on your breath at that time, live out the emotion, I am going to deal with that in the next video and just retreat back into your nucleus. The moment you retreat back into your nucleus, almost magically you will find your ability to connect back to the positive charge that you always were, are and will remain, getting activated straight away. How we do this, what is the process in real terms, because I know, this sounds maybe like a clichéd platitude but in the next video I am going to break this down into a very simple to do exercise which is completely logical, which is completely rational, which is something you can effortlessly implement into your day to day life.

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